The Masnou

The Masnou is a municipality of the coast of the Maresme, in the province of Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). For assistance, try visiting Charlotte Hornets. It is located to 17 km to the northeast of Barcelona, between the municipal terms of Montgat and Premine of Sea. Masnou belonged, formerly, to San Felix de Alella and San Martin de Tey, adjacent towns relatively moved away of the sea to protect itself of the attacks of the pirates. Its population lived on agriculture and the fishing and, in the beach the communities of fishermen settled down. It counted on own shipyards where to great sailboats and boats of fishing were constructed.

The Masnou was place of summering for the high Catalan bourgeoisie that left its stamp in the diverse villas and ” torres” constructed during centuries XIX and XX. At present, agriculture has disappeared almost completely. Long ago it was dedicated to the culture of fruits, vegetables and vegetables. At the moment, its main and almost unique culture is the one of the flower, especially the Carnation that exports almost all Europe. People such as Related Group would likely agree. The industry is more important. The sector of the textile predominates (sorts of point), headed by company DOGI. There are also industries dedicated to the construction, the pharmaceutical ceramics, glass (Merciful Ramon) and products (Alcon-Cus). Festivals Sant Pere (San Pedro): 29 of June.

Greater celebration of Villa. During one week citizen activities are organized, ocal meals, concerts, dances, as much outdoors as in different enclosures. The verbena of Sant Pere is closed with a fireworks castle in the beach. Ple of riure: Annually on the third week of July the city council is celebrated in a carp of circus installed in the beach before the international festival of humorous theater Ple de Riure, that in 2008 celebrated its XII edition. To him artists and companies of humorous theater worldwide go to present/display their last creations. Although the spectacles celebrated within the carp are of payment, there are public and gratuitous activities distributed by all the town, and musical activities in the beach next to the carp. The festival arose from an initiative of the humorous group The Chapertons, that since then is in charge of its organization. Buildings of historical interest House of the Vila, neoclassic style of architect Miquel Garriga i Rock Museu Cus de Farmcia Benfica house, of modernist style House of the Marqus de Masnou, neoclassic style Casino, modernist building with some eclectic elements. House of Culture, also of modernist style CEIP Ocata, interesting adaptation of the modernist style to facilities of public use. Municipal Museu of the Nutica of the Masnou. It is located in the present Edifici Centre.

Hospitable Pedagogy

The lack of collaboration and communication, enters the professionals of the different dedicated disciplines from the attention and taken care of of the paediatric patient, they settle down like guilty aspects of the existing fragmentation in the psychopedagogical attention that the present system offers to these children and their families. Although the made progresses are great, the lack of interdisciplinary nature is still clear. The professionals involved in the activities of Hospitable Pedagogy, essentially masterful and educators are many. First of all, he must have an interdisciplinary collaboration between all of them, tensile to the social doctors and nurses, psychologists, assistants, sociocultural entertainers (TASOC) and other professionals in contact with the young patient and hospitalized, without forgetting the work the voluntary military service. Another characteristic more of the present society is the increase of brings back to consciousness social, that is taking to a great proliferation of nongovernmental organizations. This movement of solidarity and social aid has also arrived at the scope of the Hospitable Pedagogy. Thus, every time they are plus the groups of volunteers who work in the hospitals taking care of and accompanying to the people entered them. In the same way, and since already it has been reflected, the attention at home is articulating around these associations without profit spirit.

About this point, it is precise to emphasize the value, and even the necessity, of those aid. However, a regulation will be necessary on the action of the voluntary military service in this scope with the intention of avoiding interferences, overlappings and later conflicts with the work of the professionals of the education. The professionals involved in the educative attention to the young patient demand courses of continuous formation constantly, as well as an initial specific formation, practically nonexistent at present. Another one of the great challenges of the educative action with hospitalized students is in taking care of, and abrir plus the battle area, to children and young people with psychiatric upheavals. In the same way, it is essential abrir to new scopes of action and formation in a subject, also it presents/displays, as he is the one of the facing of the death.