Gennady Zdanowicz

After the collapse of the Soviet Union became a major brand Arch Southern Urals and the breeding ground for all sorts of speculation about healing of body and soul of the Russian people. The accusation of “harmful fictions that works like a drug,” was immediately supported by the sentiment of the “value of the Russian idea.” Version II … with the advent of market relations Arch immediately tried to assess. In the country towns the crowd rushed the political profiteers and charlatans.

Together with the ancient city there began intensive excavation of the Russian idea and a great discovery began Zdanovich exchange for minor political sensation. This does not fail to take advantage neo-fascists. As a result, many serious scholars have questioned the authenticity of Arkaim, its antiquity and the very fact of its existence. Arch narrowly escaped destruction during the Soviet era, Now he is in danger again. Arch perish under the weight of pseudo-historical theories, and the world turns out to be easier to give up the opening, which will change the idea of humanity’s own history than to agree that this discovery took place in Russia .* Visiting the studio Gennady Zdanowicz, thus, a priori, was a terribly unfavorable role of the person who has to prove his innocence of the accused, who did not make it impossible to justify.

Novgorod Structures

Some of them have been destroyed during World War II and later rebuilt, but, unfortunately, not all. Novgorod structures differ, on the one hand, strict, restraint proportions, on the other, – the presence of decorative parts, exterior frescoes on the facade, concha. Considerable church is built and in Pskov. Here, as well as Porkhov, Yam, Koporye, nuts and fortified erected structures, a kind of stone castles. Many were built in the XV century Novgorod. It was then when the archbishop Euphemia (second quarter – the middle of the century) appeared in the Kremlin Palace of the Facets, chasozvonya, two-story palace of the lords. Even earlier (1302) began to build Detinets – a stone fortress, whose walls were rebuilt several times later until the end of the century, when Novgorod already entered one of Moscow's possessions. There were also stone home-wards for the boyars (including – the house of Martha, the Governor's Wife, wife of I.

Boretsky). Novgorod, Moscow and other builders often built on old patterns, such as the XII century. At the same time sought to emphasize the Novgorod customers and preserve the "old and duty" of the city and land, Moscow proceeded from the idea of an all-Russian unity, certainly in this case – under the leadership of his sovereign. The most outstanding achievement of Russian architecture of the turn of XV-XVI century. was the erection of buildings of the Kremlin. The old, dilapidated buildings replaced by new, it's – the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation Cathedrals, church, pillar of Ivan the Great.

Urban Development Activities

Paris appeared at the beginning of the first millennium bc, after a while became a part of the vast Roman Empire as one of , and to the xix century was the "capital of the world, the trendsetter, where sought by all. However, if you walk around Paris is adored by many, life vetom city was not that rosy. Themselves residents of the capital of France in the middle of the xix century it was considered unhealthy, unsuitable for life, and even opasnymgorodom. Baron Haussmann, appointed in the middle of the xix century, the prefect of Paris, was the man who gave a response to urgent questions. The idea of transformation of the city was in the air, and many predecessors, Baron could boast of these or other measures they have taken to improve the lives of citizens. Thus, under Louis xiv appeared in the city boulevards, under Louis xvi Paris grew, it included new territory, and Napoleon I cared about the development of infrastructure. However, architectural design of the city when Uthman was a significant difference: finally have a unified development plan, whose goal was to make Paris a convenient, comfortable accommodation.

First of all, Osman has paved new broad avenues, transformed the city center. In this case, new streets were laid right through the already suschestvuyuschiekvartaly. With this purpose in 1848 and 1852. were issued laws that allow the prefect pick up any ground, lying on the road construction. As a result, in place of narrow, crooked and filthy medieval streets there are wide, straight and bright prospects.

The Persians

The actors of the theater place masks in the presentations of the teatrais parts. The Greek theater was divided in comedy and tragedy. The comedy had quarrels that they generated around the problems and of the man as destination and justice. Already the comedy satiriza the customs, the human behavior and the society in itself. During spectacle can dance and sing. had competition to see the best part. The teatrlogos that had been more distinguished were creative Squirrel of the sort tragedy with its workmanships: The Persians, seven against Tebas and chained Prometheus; the Sfocles that wrote the great classics as dipo King, Antgona and Electra; Aristfanes was a great comedian and wrote the wasps, the clouds, the frogs and Eurpides that produced Mediates, the troianas, the bacantes, etc.

4) Arts the Greeks in the fields of the arts had been notables mainly in the architecture and sculpture. Also they had been distinguished in the painting in ceramics. The workmanships valued the humanismo, nationalism, simplicity, balance, harmony and the order. 5) Architecture In the architecture if had detached Ictinos and Calcrates, creators of the Partenon. Main styles architectural jnio, drio and the corintio.

In the architecture biggest prominence was Fdias author of the statue of the Atena goddess that existed in the Partenon and Miron author of discbolo. The drica architecture, was simplest, the jnica one was lighter harmonious that first, the third corntia one was well more searched carefully of what the previous ones. 6) Painting in ceramics the paintings had celebrities mitolgicas scenes that had been preserved until today, had some that they represented to the nature, esportivas activities and scenes of the daily life that decorated the ceramics vases. 7) Philosophy and Science the word philosophy comes of the Greek who wants to say children of the wisdom or love for the wisdom. The philosophical chains of the Greeks influence until today.

French Life

The aim of sociology of everyday life was the discovery of "the methods used by people in Society for everyday action, that is, an analysis of social rules and prejudices of their formation, some people interpret speech, behavior, gestures of others. Third, the birth stories everyday life have influenced ideas K. Geertz, who saw in every culture "stratified hierarchy of structures, consisting of acts, symbols and signs." Explanation of these acts and characters that make up everyday typed human practice, the interpretation of a web of values that the man himself wove, serves this sotsioantropologa way of knowing. The explosion of interest in the "sociology of everyday life and turning it into a self-direction within the social sciences gave rise to similar changes in historical knowledge. Promising "anthropological approach" to study the past before the modernist concepts "Have felt" the French historian M.

Block, and L. Febvre. They offered to see a reconstruction of the "everyday" element of recreating history in its entirety. This task is successfully fulfilled their supporters and successors, grouped around established in 1950 the journal "Annals". School of Annales, and especially younger contemporary of M. Bloch and L.

Febvre – F. Braudel to understand the past as a slow alternating periods of "" long-duration (long dure), in which was included daily-home component. The history of everyday life played a part in these proceedings makrokonteksta life of the past. Continuing the traditions of the first two generations of the Annales school (in Russia, For example, A. Gurevich) put in the center of his research "

Constitutional Court

That is the unresolved problems of suburban area can be considered a reason for an open armed conflict in 1992. The unresolved territorial dispute is firmly entrenched in the numerous legal conflicts. For example, articles 3 and 6 of the Law on the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples "assert the rights of repressed peoples to" restore national territorial boundaries. " "Adoption Law "On Rehabilitation of " served as a powerful impetus for the revitalization of the Ingush extremists for rejection of the Suburban District of North Ossetia – this was the reaction of chairman of the Supreme soassr A. Galazov. Then, in As mitigation radical action was initiated drafting of the law 'On the reconstruction of human deported peoples and citizens', which in Article 3 was the phrase "consider unacceptable unconstitutional change of the existing territorial boundaries. " However, the reverse was not there. Other legal conflict is in contradiction of Article 67 of Law of the Russian Constitution, which states that "the boundaries between the Russian Federation may be changed with the mutual consent ".

August 9, 2005 the parliament of North Ossetia has challenged these items in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. But the request was not accepted for consideration. Article 11 of the Constitution Ingushetia declares a major challenge for the Ingush people "return policy means illegally torn away from the territory of Ingushetia and the preservation of territorial integrity of the republic Ingushetia. And Article 102 says the temporary (!) The location of the administrative center of the city of Nazran, ie, highlighted the unresolved question from Vladikavkaz. RNO-A requires the repeal of Article 11 of the Constitution of Ingushetia.

The Centre undertakes Some attempts to reconcile the two peoples – "On measures to improve the activities of state bodies on the development of relations between the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and Ingushetia", dated 7 October 2004 – but obvious tendency to freeze the situation. Ingushetia since the establishment of 4 June 1992 does not have a legislatively mandated territorial boundaries, that in the absence of any actually existing legal norms, prevents resolution of territorial claims. Thus, the current state of the conflict away from the settlement. A huge number of legal conflicts interfere to form a uniform legal framework for decision situation. The signing of formal agreements on friendship, meeting of heads of republics, which is an active discussion to find ways out of this situation, do not show any real action. "Demonstration quality of these contacts while ahead of real quality. " Despite held in 1994 – 2002 gg. over 60% of IDPs, there is a problem cherespolosnogo settlements, especially in the periphery. Psychological exacerbate stereotypes of complex social and demographic situation. "Interiorization relations" ignore "other forms of self confidence, fear of their own personal manifestations, which in turn turn is the basis for the formation of destructive forms of behavior. " Lack of attempts both central and local authorities to apply to the real history says the reluctance to seek out their impasse.