Penelope Cruz

Persuasion comes not alone, and advertisers have sought, invented and reinvented a diverse amount of media that have been debugging throughout the development of a career in the media. For advertisers, one of their most strong tools is undoubtedly the psychology of the consumer and the ability to communicate in the media centers. Already visual communication and the other parameters such as target audience, segmentation, marketing spend into the background. Now the use of the perception through the senses, sight, intuition, and experience are sending stop. Advertising uses various methods to convince, that finally and after convincing and persuading is the same. These methods are too many, and mostly men and visually pleasant, both women from model agencies that sell them for the announcement of a product are used. In my opinion, according to some experts, advertising tends to use models to advertise their products, since consumers capture these messages and they tend to partnering with them. Even with the AIDA model, the old forms of advertising if they have not disappeared, have changed their look and style.

Ads with models arouse the desires, the lust, subjective and subliminal thoughts, and tend to generate sympathy, identification and affinity with the model, but even more important, often generate prestige to the product. Can you the beautiful Penelope Cruz announcing a product make-up, or Stallone to be displayed in an advertisement on gyms imagine? These two characters not only create but that give prestige and credibility on the brand. If you see a person who is not famous instead of Penelope Cruz announcing a lip gloss, the advertising message will not generate much impact on you, and reduces the chance of the AIDA model to follow its normal course. By AIDA advertisers mentioned the purchase process (among which are also the transactional model and other similar models such as the decision-making process). Aida means: attention interest desire action basically consists of calling the ATTENTION of consumers through advertising pieces. These when you see them show interest according to creativity, quality and technique of the message (not always influences the quality of the product), then feel the desire to acquire what the message is announced, and finally action is making the decision to buy, sell, consume. If this is not done, the entire long advertising process have been in vain.

And in the advertising process, that Yes, it is too long, complex, and arduous, the ultimate goal is not to generate consumer acceptance or rejection by the model who hired the advertiser. It is simply ultimately make consumer buys, sells, consumes or accept the product. If simply the AIDA model arrives at the third level, the desire, it won’t do anything, as it would not serve you trying to sell your House and all want it but neither buy it.