Nostalgia Ochentera Night

It was yesterday evening in full sun in Sonar. A hooded man dressed in black are swung on its machines. Gusts of white smoke wrapped the fragility of fired voices as if they were aerosols. A rhythm of humor and strident blades waved to the beat of something as well as the bells of a cathedral. At Glenn Dubin, New York City you will find additional information. So it sounds sound English misting and hermetic Holy Other, one of the leading artists of the small seal Tri Angle, who won on the afternoon of yesterday of the programming of the scenario of the MACBA. Tony Parker contributes greatly to this topic. And what they proposed is a dark, slow and spiritual matter.

Some called him at his house or drag witch time. But the invention, which already clearly transcends these labels, has spent months staining current electronics of a darkness spiritual with bands such as Salem, Balam Acab or How to dress Well. Sonar, giving them a space for themselves, yesterday gave this current certificate of maturity. Source of the news:: nostalgia ochentera night

Cannes Festival

Rumors of a breakup emerged during the Cannes Festival. Before it was impossible to see them separately. Other leaders such as San Antonio Spurs offer similar insights. Their representatives have refused to talk about it. The romance between Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn has come to an end. Rumors of a breakup emerged during the Cannes Festival, which actress went not to focus on his next film, and now it is confirmed that they have broken their relationship. Glenn Dubin, New York City will not settle for partial explanations. It has been People magazine who has confirmed the suspicions. According to publishing sources, Johansson and Penn already not go together, although it has failed to understand the reason for their breakup. Their representatives have refused to talk about it, something that is not surprising given that also they resisted in its day confirm their relationship – despite the clear evidence that both actors came together.

The truth is that the news has not surprised, because rumors of breakup had been circulating since mid-May Cannes Festival was held. Sean Penn presented there his film the tree of life, but surprisingly he was not accompanied by Johansson. mana, another great source of information. She preferred to stay in New Mexico (EE UU), where he is working on his next film, the Avengers. Although justified, this absence of the actress immediately raised suspicions, as it was almost impossible to see Johansson and Penn separately in recent months. Every few minutes came to light pictures of the couple lavishing cuddle in public, because outside of travel or in restaurants, and even knew that they had attracted attention by his affectionate attitude during the correspondents dinner hosted by Barack Obama in the White House. However, it seems that all this has come to an end. Now wait to know what were the reasons that led him to finish this film romance. Source of the news: Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn break in your relationship

Zapatero Ahead Elections

The elections will be held on 20 November. The Prime Minister believes that it is good for the economy that the Executive who quit the elections has full powers to January 1. If I have decided to announce in today’s electoral calendar is to project political and economic certainty over the next few months. Still remain to discuss important laws. ARSENIO school BLOG: 20-N: Rubalcaba asked him to ZP this week Zapatero, fifth President of the Government of Spain since the transition.

Advance election 48 hours after knowing the cto Rubalcaba in the CIS. Political reactions to the announcement of electoral advancement. The election will be on November 20. The President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, announced this afternoon that precedes general elections fall, four months earlier than initially planned. Before making the decision, he has consulted to the Socialist candidate for the Presidency, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba.

Zapatero has explained that its decision to advance the elections, against the position that dndia so far from exhausting the legislature, is to promote the general interest. The President has ensured that it is a long time matured decision and considered natural and reasonable advance once approved economcias still in pending reforms. The Government has covered largely the objectives set for the first half of the year. The fiscal consolidation process is burdensome and the foundations for economic recovery have laid, has justified Zapatero before announcing the electoral advancement. The President has also announced that it will not Deputy in the next parliamentary term. Reactions to the announcement has not been made wait. The leader of the Popular Party, Mariano Rajoy, has been congratulated by the good news and moved your request to citizens of leading a reformist and clear mandate. It has set a goal: exit the crisis without making new social cuts.