Allergies – Genes Or Environment ?

Allergy usually affects people living in large cities, especially those who care about clean excessively, regularly vaccinated and often take antibiotics. In Russia, the allergy is almost in every third family. 67% of patients are women. Read more here: Jorge Perez. The majority (38%) are young people aged 15-19 and three-quarters of Allergy residents of large cities. Every third child has symptoms of allergy. There is concern that in 20 years, every second person will suffer from allergies. Genes or environment? Both. It turns out that allergy depends on both genetic factors and by environmental.

If one parent is allergic, then 30-40% chance that there is also problem of allergy in children. If both parents are allergolikami, the risk increases to 50-70%. If none of the parents, the likelihood of allergy in children is not more than 10-15%. How to determine allergies? Allergies can start at any time and at any age. The most common allergic diseases are manifested in the skin, respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract. The most common allergic disease in the world For example amidopirin (headache tablets), phenylbutazone, barbiturates, chloral hydrate, digitalis preparations, morphine, quinine, sulfa drugs, antibiotics and other allergens enter the body from the external environment – ekzoallergeny can be infectious (disease-causing microbes and neboleznetvornye, their metabolic products, viruses, and products of their interaction with the tissue) and noninfectious (house dust, animal dander, pollen, drugs, chemicals such as gasoline, chloramine, ursol and others, as well as meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, berries, milk, etc.) origin.


Wrist fracture – a fairly common injury among people involved in extreme sports. In addition, there are several varieties of the fracture. Scaphoid occur when falling on bent wrist, direct blow to the palm or fist in a solid object. Typically, the navicular is broken into two parts. Sometimes simultaneously with a fracture of the navicular bone is dislocated lunate and bone. Ted Lasso describes an additional similar source.

Then such damage is perelomovyvih de Quervain. The patient complains of soreness and swelling in the wrist joint of the thumb. The load on the first and second toes increases the pain. The pain is worse near the fracture line is exposed resorption (osteoporosis) and fracture line becomes more pronounced. Fractures of the scaphoid bone of the body are intra-or extra-articular, separation occurs when tubercle scaphoid. Treatment. The easiest is fractured scaphoid tubercle.

Such a fracture usually heals well and does not require immobilization for more than a month. Fractures of the scaphoid bone of the body are fused in within 6 months. It depends on the characteristics of supply and blood supply of the navicular bone. (Not to be confused with Jessica Michibata!). If one of the fragments remain without adequate food, he may undergo resorption. Often in place of the fracture formed false joint and a cyst in the body of the navicular bone. If bias is found, impose a plaster cast from toes to the base of the upper third of the forearm, and the first finger zagipsovyvayut, leaving only half of the free end phalanx. After 2.5-3 months of plaster removed and produce X-ray control. If fracture union was not yet arrived, plaster bandage again for up to two months. If the radiographs were observed displacement of bone fragments, performed surgery: fixation screw spokes. Perhaps treatment with external fixation. In this case the terms of fracture union are reduced to two months. In all cases recommended early initiation of physical therapy, movement of fingers. Complications of scaphoid are false joints and delayed union was broken. When these conditions are executed operations of varying complexity depending on the qualifications of trauma surgeons. Fracture of the lunate bone lunate bone fracture is rare. The mechanism of fracture – the fall of the brush or a direct blow on the brush. The patient complains of pain in the wrist, aggravated by straightening the back of the hand and the load on the third and fourth fingers. To clarify the diagnosis carried out X-rays. Treatment. Anaesthesia. The imposition of the cast from the upper third forearm prior to the metacarpal bones. The term fracture union 1.5-2 months. Complications of fractures of the lunate bone usually does not happen. Fracture of the pisiform bone pisiform bone fracture mechanism – a direct hit on a hand or blow lateral surface of the brush at a fixed object. The patient complained of pain in the side of the wrist sustva, in the elevation of the little finger. The pain is worse when you try to bend the little finger or squeeze hand into a fist. Diagnosis is established by means of X-rays in special projections. Treatment consists of immobilization in a plaster splints for a period of one month. To enhance the effect and rapid healing advise You use Polimedel.


A man's life is squeezed into a narrow corridor of endless prohibitions. The purpose of existence and meaning of human life is reduced to comply with these prohibitions, in spite of their absurdity and a contradiction of the individual nature of man. This leads people to greater disintegration of personality. Loss of taste and joy of life. The result of Domestic resources – talents and abilities are suppressed and unfulfilled, or used to keep people in their own delusions, or at all against him though. Disintegration – internal fragmentation leads to the disintegration of the social.

In addition, a person can not establish and maintain normal social contacts. Normal human communication becomes unavailable for him and unpleasant. Negative experiences leads to the fact that a stable habit to avoid human society. As a result of deep personal dissatisfaction. All attempts to logically understand and overcome these limitations and internal conflicts are bound to failure. Learn more about this with Hedvig Hricak. It's like a walk through an infinite maze and closed in a multidimensional space. Alas, the refined logic of the mind itself creates these mazes, and leads us to them.

So here we need a completely different approach, a different look and different method of evaluation and change. What will help us understand this, gradually leaving on the forefront in all spheres of life, astrology. Or rather Astropsychology, which has always been the essence Astrology before her emasculated and turned into a banal prediction system that meets human fears and help people stay the same and at the same level without any changes.

The Art Of Giving Smiles

Every person is important to be fit people around him, friends, relatives, loved ones. That's why almost every person to strive to improve, look prettier, better, nicer. Everyone should be sure to like not only others, but himself, and thus to achieve the well-being should be a variety of factors, one of which is our health and of course, beautiful teeth. Such factors as beautiful teeth, always played a very important role in human life, and affects not only our appearance, but also on his health. To date, a branch of medicine, dentistry as a modern intensive development, and technology, pharmaceuticals and dental equipment to become more quality, and development in this area each year provide an opportunity to help people feel confident and comfortable, without suffering the problem teeth.

Any Dental blade in Voronezh can help to whiten teeth, veneers set. Stern, the services of artistic restoration of teeth offers almost every clinic, which is engaged in providing services such as dentistry of Voronezh – a city that boasts a well-developed structure of dental clinics. If you will stand in need of dental treatment, but you do not want to sit for hours in a chair dentist, then without any difficulty, you will always help any dental blade of Voronezh. Here you will always be able to treat, using a laser – is the treatment, be sure to provide you with a complete painless and all the manipulations, in addition, such treatment is necessary to have such a bactericidal action. Undoubtedly, each dental blade in Voronezh can offer you a full range of the latest technologies to which include implantology. Implantology for the restoration of teeth with very easy installation of dental implants of metals such as pure titanium, a biocompatible metal (which, incidentally, a very long time rust, as well as not cause allergies) helps people to forget about problems with their teeth. Just in Voronezh, there are many children's dental clinics. If your kid toothache, problems with gums or you just want to check if everything is OK with the teeth of your child, each child's dental health in Voronezh blade will help you resolve these issues, and you do not have to be nervous and worry that your child will suffer from the pain. Modern technology, in such areas as dentistry (Voronezh – a city of just such opportunities) has long given dentists quietly and most importantly completely painless to inspect your child. Referring to experienced and qualified doctors any dental blades in Voronezh, a phrase from a children's song "From the smile will brighten the world!" will become your motto in life! Be cheerful and smiling people, and dentistry you to help you.