Eucharistic Congresses

There is a directory for masses with children from the Congregation for the divine worship, I do not remember exactly but I think it is at the end of the 1960s, and hence put many possibilities on the involvement of children in the Eucharist, what they can do? It also is a very pedagogical document to have it in story in all celebrations involving children. Of the laity who serve ministrantes, or extraordinary Ministers of communion, etc. I must say that this should be determined in the Episcopal Conference, that is therefore something that corresponds to the Bishop in his diocese, terminate if they are ministering tunic or not carry it, if the reader has to wear tunic, usually not, nor which sings the responsorial Psalm, questions that they go with relation to the choir. The choir has a director, and is convenient that the director belongs to the liturgical animation team, and choir goes on their own and the team goes another, is not necessary to have that union. The cult of the Eucharist, source of the Mass-we know that the Eucharistic cult, has two moments, the most important is the celebration of the Eucharist, but there is also the worship of the Eucharist outside mass, this cult has many expressions, which may be the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. What they call the 40 hours. Also Eucharistic processions, the Eucharistic Congresses, etc.

It is a demonstration of faith in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. But if the Church keeps the Eucharist, with the specific purpose of the viatico, and for communion for the sick, but while the Church keeps the Eucharist that same Church, worships, worships and prays in front of the mystery that is the permanent among us Eucharist. For the brevity of this hour, and the previous, I’ve been reading almost all the time, because I’m going to read and not read, (laughs) first of all, is the documentation on the worship of the Eucharist, we first found it in Pablo VI, in the Encyclical solid Fidem of 1965 and the Eucaristicum instruction Solid in the year 1967.