German Dramaturgo

Albert Einstein Physicist Jew-German SEVEN KEYS 65 Said Pilatos to them: There you tend an escort; IDE and you keep the tomb as you to seem well. 66 Going they, had mounted guard to the tomb there, stamping the rock and leaving the escort. Evangelho de JESUS according to Mateus, CAP. 27:65 and 66. Why they wanted in such a way to hide the Light of the CHRIST? Because JESUSES longed for to continue hiding of the People the Truth that it made to shine in all the sedentas Souls of freedom. ' ' The biggest necessity of a State is of governing corajosos' '. Johann Goethe Poeta and German Romancista The LIGHT OF the FIRST DAY the light of the first day, of that time of has two a thousand years more than, was not of the sun, therefore it not yet wakes up and the Light of the CHRIST already blinds the soldiers who kept the tomb.

1 In findar of Saturday, when entering the first day of the week, Madalena Maria and to another Maria had been to see the tomb. 2 and here it is that she had a great earthquake; because an Angel went down of the Sky, arrived itself, removed the rock and was based itself on it. 3 its aspect was as a lightning, and its vestment, white as the snow. The 4 and guards had trembled espavoridos and been as if they were died. Evangelho de JESUS according to Mateus, CAP. 28:1 the 4. ' ' The behavior is a mirror in which all show its imagem' '. Johann Goethe Escritor and German Dramaturgo The WOMEN AND 5 ANGEL But the Angel, directing itself it the women, said: You do not fear; because I know that you search JESUS, that was crucificado. 6 It not it is here; it revived, as it had said.