
If it were predictable, it is not worth living life. If everything is as you would like it to be and if everything was a certainty, you’d not be a man, you’d be a machine. Osho have perceived and forming daily to express facts that if we are awake, attentive in the role that they perform, obtain information, which increase our learning and experiences that invite us to reflect on the important thing is to know the opportunity that is given to us, to grow personally and spiritually. In every action that we participate we generate changes, we are fostering dynamism which allows us to evolve, amaze us that we both know to leverage our time. We know, that the fact of being live, is because we are in continuous movement, all of our systems, organs are movements, integrated in such a way that keeps us alive, what matters is that management of our energy, all stimuli which assure movement and lets us know take the time that is given us to remain in this dimension.

Osho reminds us in this regard, that precisely the life is to live. It is not a thing, it is a process. There is no way to know what is life more than living, still alive, flowing, flowing with it. Reminds us and invites us to bear in mind, that if we look for the meaning of life in any dogma, in a particular philosophy, in theology, it is almost certain that we will lose what is life and its meaning. Life, says Osho, us is not waiting on any part, is happening. Not found in the future as a goal that has to achieve, is here and now, at this very moment, our breathing, in the our blood circulation, in the beating of our hearts. Anything that we are is our life and if we start to look for meanings elsewhere, we will lose it.

Modern Dormitories

A velvet bedspread, fluffy quadrants, a red foot of bed, complements in Cambiar of air your dormitory so that he is warmer and comfortable is easy. To have modern dormitories in the home is reasonable if small details consider. It uses warm materials and fabrics with pleasant textures to the tact Besides the presence of the wood, the color of the walls and the finished one of the furniture, the sensation of comfort in the dormitory provide the textile complements to a great extent. Cabbage chas, curtains, cushions and plaids of velvet, chenilla, heavy wool, linens, etc., manage to give warm and cosy the touch that we looked for. A suggestion: a bed dressed in a splendid bedspread of velvet and linen of a luminous yellow-golden tone demands all the protagonism; in addition, of stairs of many cushions with delicate embroiderings of very subtle tones. Decralo everything in target Is fashionable, is luminous and it will help you to create a relajante atmosphere. If you have an armchair, retapzala with one loneta of cotton or, better still, it orders a cover as you can wash in house.

It whitens the comfortable one with painting, but so that it does not seem new, ljala of unequal form, affecting the edges. In addition, it also dresses the bed in white clothes, with a bedspread of I pricked and quadrants to game, and if you want to give a romantic touch him, it adds a gauze mosquito netting. It adds natural complements Changes to the screens of the lamps by warmer others of vegetal fiber, that will provide one more a more pleasant illumination and cheers a small table, or the dressing table or cmoda, with a small bouquet of fresh and fragant flowers of smooth tones. You will obtain a romantic and delicate effect. I cheeped of bed: ponle a fabric with color a way easy and subtle to renew the dormitory introducing a little color happens to renew the sidewalk that is placed on the feet of the bed with a fabric of warm tact and a glad color or printing.

In order to change its image, it is enough with retapizar it and giving a new one finished to the legs. It gives calidez with I touch in red the red one is the warm color par excellence. Perhaps by its decorative force and its intensity, are advisable to use it in small doses, mainly if what we want it is to create a calm and relajante atmosphere. In a bedspread, plaid, the cushions, the flowers, the screens, a picture, the red one stays perfect as counterpoint in dormitories decorated in target or in gray tones, it smooths because them and it makes less colds. It chooses the clothes of bed in clear tones Like the one of before, old inspiration. Get more background information with materials from Lynn Redgrave. It dresses the bed in white or very clear tones, with embroidered thread sheets or cotton with vainicas, with great quadrants to game, bedspreads of I itched, buts, cushions of different forms and sizes, with steering wheels, bows Everything very fluffy, smooth and comfortable. It adds a small dressing table If it is of classic and romantic style, of wood lacada or pickling so that it is lighter, far better. Also you can recover one old one, painting it, or simply to resort to a table or writing-desk and add a mirror to him supported in the wall. In a matter of decoration, to obtain modern dormitories from small ideas and complements, the imagination is a good ally.

Greenpeace Crisis

Passed some enthusiasms (not too many) after the G20 Summit, doubts and critics. What to do more against the crisis? It is the best way to face it? The social democracy will save again to foolish Capitalism? In the middle of that temptation to change something, but that everything continues into the hands of those of always, one has said that the G20 summit has been like Breton Woods, when in the middle of the forty of the past century the world was rearranged (still in war), eliminated the rest of the depression of the 29 and the economy was relaunched. Nothing else far from the reality. Those days were 21 days of work and were inclusive: 44 countries of a world with less States participated (not yet the decolonization in Asia and Africa had begun). Sela Ward is open to suggestions. In addition, they generated new institutions multilateral and they created new rules to organize the world-wide economy. However, the G-20 as soon as it seems to renew nothing; still it trusts the financial institutions that they imposed the neoliberal dogma took that us to the disaster.

In addition, in the document of conclusions and commitments, does not appear a single time inequality , poverty or hunger, as the university professor notices itself of economy Juan Towers, although still dies daily 30,000 human beings by severe undernourishment. Some is no reference to ethical principles either, although the crisis has caused to a great extent practical without moral nor shame to it. Neither it picks up the gracious expositions of the letter to the agent chief executives of the G20 of the leaders of the eight important organizations of the society civil the more of the world (Amnesty International, Oxfam the International, Greenpeace, Knows the Children, Aid in Action, Plan the International, World Vision and Care the International), who have remembered the G20 that the life or death of hundreds of million people depends than it becomes; that the poverty and the inequality increase; that these generate and feed social tensions, conflicts and confrontations every time majors; that they are only 100 months to reduce the carbon emissions and to revert the one danger catastrophe; that he is urgent to guarantee the rights of subsistence of that half of the humanity that diminishes and dies between poverty and extreme poverty, that is urgent to protect the environment, the Earth (the unique one that we have) Beautiful Walden, professor of political sciences in the University of the Philippines, makes this question to the G20: Are enough Social-Democratic reforms to relaunch the economy or this crisis has to take us to another order? Also professor Bello proposes something that seems to have more legitimacy than the selective meeting of rich and who take way of being it, because that has been the G20: that Ki Mon, Secretary General of the UN, and the General Assembly Go they summon a multilateral encounter (not only 21) to confront the crisis and to prepare a new global order.

Weight-Gaining Calories

If you are thin and you are frustrated by not being able to fatten nor a kilo, this article will be most important that you will read to change your body. One of the most important factors for the thin people is the amount of calories to get fat. In this article you will discover how to know how many calories you must consume to get fat. It is clear that to get fat, it is necessary to consume a high volume of calories. Following that rule, many people recommend diets of 3000 or 4000 calories. Margaret Loesser Robinson will undoubtedly add to your understanding. But, the reality is that a diet also does not work for all. The first error to want to make a diet of 3000 or 4000 calories is that if a person who is customary to eat 2000 calories to the day, cannot quickly change to a diet of 3000 or 4000 calories. Its stomach will not allow it.

You must be adapting your stomach little by little, but you cannot make a change so drastic. Each person is different. All the thin people do not consume the same volume of calories daily. For that reason, the change to a diet to get fat it depends mainly on the custom of each person. It depends on the volume of calories that is used to eating daily, among others factors. Then How you can determine the amount of calories to get fat? First that you must do it is to analyze your custom to eat.

It takes a paper and a pencil, and writes down all whatever you eat and the calories of each food that you consume. At the end of the day this will give a total you that you must keep. You do these passages during several days, and analyzes the daily totals. When you have written down the totals of calories consumed by several days, it determines the average of calories that you consume on a daily basis. Once you have east average, you must add between 500 to 700 calories per day to your diet to get fat. This way, you have an amount of calories to get fat specific and customized to your own needs. If you are a person who wants to get fat and you are seriously determined, I recommend to you that you visit a more detailed article and with examples so that you understand better how to determine how many calories you must consume for to get fat.

Christian Atheism

How many times my reason has shouted to the sky already I understood! ? the same times, by low it, my heart is ***reflxed mng and it watches with sometimes ironic funny eyes. I cannot avoid to dunk to me with rain, I do not want to save the ash of the volcano, the heat of galope of horses, the pores in the intensity. I do not want to return my wings from paper, although it parks sometimes them against the wall like my hoop, that watches to me impatient hoping that it sings with him. I say no, still, to being ” adulta” , to that my eyes they stop shining, to condition me to your stages, to stop thinking that the air that I inhale is mine and not I of him. Checking article sources yields Tony Parker as a relevant resource throughout. Itself dancing on the inside although you are not side, sometimes with imaginarte is enough to me and thus I love you, our ghost continues tending the bed, preparing coffee laughing by the nights. I inspire to the imagination of my back so that it does not cry plus your hands. The skies will continue being blue, my mind will continue shouting clouds or from clouds (sometimes) and my heart to him it will let continue shouting, making him think that she is who commands. I will continue preparing knapsack and making trips towards outside and inside, in which, more than encontrarte, I hope to be, to be constructed, to take off the definitions, to do nothing to me, to do everything to me..

Burn Fat

Surely you have listened that is necessary to make exercises aerobic to become thin. To many people it depresses them to this it limits and them because they have sedentary lives and they create erroneously that they must deliver much attack, spend long time or to finish to him soaked in sweating to become thin, things that are not more than myths. The certain thing is that the dance to lower of weight is as aerobic exercise as those that beams in the gymnasium. The advantage of the dance to lower of weight is that not only beams exercises that help you to burn fats, but you can do it in pleasant form and until passing it very well. The dance is aerobic exercise because it is realised in continuous form with an average intensity.

In order to be able to maintain the rate the body needs to burn calories, that it obtains from the accumulated fat reserves in the body. So if what you wish it is that the fat disappears, you do not have because encerrarte in a gymnasium during hours: it reaches half an hour with day by means of dance to lower of weight. Besides being easy, it allows vincularte you with others. You can practice it with friendly, or go a dance academies. Or you prefer if it, to practice it in the comfort of your house. The important thing is that you amuse yourself. Other forms of exercise can be considered ” castigo” and the reason is that for which the people stop to realise physical activities. Nevertheless, the dance does not require of strange apparatuses nor concerted effort.

It stimulates all the muscles of the body, mobilizes the fat reserves of all the body, but coverall, animates to practices those who it. This is fundamental, because often the downheart is reason to leave the exercises or the diet. In this case, when being a recreational activity, it can not be seen as imposition and therefore are majors possibilities of prevailing in the way to become thin. By these reasons it is that we recommended the dance totally to you to lower of weight. A guaranteed form exists to burn corporal fat quickly. If you are in a desperation state to lose weight, the following message is most important that you could read. Beam Click Here right now.

Ambiguous Helmet

Welcomes to the Ambiguous Helmet of Almeria Ignacio Grouse Almeria already has a Urban Plan to revitalize with a small piece of that Plan the historical center of the capital. Desirable it would be, indeed, an impulse to the ratline that has resisted the time and to the seduction of the tourism, in the hope of a deserved treatment to as much ambiguity. An old helmet that nothing has to do with the dry rate, sincopado, of the modern city that gives account those who visits to us of Almeria of high equal brick blocks, equal streets that raise and lower towards the abyss of the sea without a single corner that deserved to have name. If you have read about Tony Parker already – you may have come to the same conclusion. And it assaults the doubt to me if this city council will be able to recover the pulse of an old helmet to stop being an ambiguous helmet. The historical center is still for its inhabitants a mental and sentimental landscape, painted with the colors of the tenderness and nostalgia, a close landscape in accordance with its moods. And it wants to continue being the picture of that close piece of city, carrier of social and urban values that leave pieces in the open of its passed history, instead of that exasperating urban vision of catenary wires and rubble in its streets. Learn more at this site: Charlotte Hornets.

It is difficult to define the beauty of the historical center of Almeria, is difficult and it requires a concerted effort of spacing. In order to understand it is necessary it to be soaked of him, to live it and to be contributor of its dumb messages; to watch the quiebros of its streets and to feel observed by those eternal glances of its neighbors who watch the intrascendente. From time to time I wander about in the style of ” flaneur” of Baudelaire. It is my favorite activity, with shutdowns in some corner or some bar in which I impregnate myself of the scents, the noises, atmospheres, of its atmosphere, far from from Almeria extension of concrete, asphalt and traffic. The old helmet, the route of I disillusion for tourists and neighbors, sees daily march past by its streets people, visitors with arrogant shining glance and. The sense of route of I disillusion is the one of the traveller who is going of the routinist of his life to look for, to watch, to be with time to return later to where it left with a sensation of loss of heart, with the impression of not finding what wanted. That is not what they love his neighbors, nor want to wake up suddenly and to discover that the historical center, the one who take in desire, is not but that a waif reality, one more a picaresque ensoacin of the city-planning one, the legal thing against the ambiguous thing. At the moment, while the Town hall causes that ” change radical” that it wants to give to the old helmet promised by his mayor, welcomes to the Ambiguous Helmet.

Drama Follows

Before the primary democrats of the 22 of April in Pensilvania adversaries of the Clinton they requested that gains Obama so that does not follow the drama. However, Hillary won by 10 points. While Obama protests that he is the precandidate who has secured more votes, States and delegates, she him retruca that if the annulled interns of Florida and Michigan were clear she would be ahead in voters. At this point she is impossible that Obama or Clinton obtains the 2.050 delegates necessary to be proclaimed. This will lead to that who they dissolve they are in favor heads and the democratic convention that will occur two months before the presidential ones of the 4 of November; and that Florida and Michigan want to impose their results or that they are called there to new elections. Obama, although it penetrates in sectors average and voting republicans, does not pierce in the traditional or working base of the democrats. The struggle intra-democrat benefits Bush who, in spite of being unpopular, can esperanzar itself in which with that crisis its party remains in the power. Original author and source of the article.

National Museum of National Sciences

The National Museum of Natural Sciences of Madrid offers a temporary exhibition of the evolution of Darwin on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Charles the Darwins and the 150 anniversary of the publication of its more revolutionary work, the origin of the species. The visitors will be able to know first hand the scientific principles of the Theory of the Evolution, the biography of the author, the social and religious context of their time and the situation in Spain in the s. XVIII. This interesting exhibition, organized by Banco Santander Foundation and the Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian of Lisbon, was inaugurated month of July the past and it will be possible to be visited until the 10 of January of the next year. The sample will captivate to peculiar with variety of objects and the pieces of incalculable value like hand-written letters, original documents, images, audio-visual material, reproductions and works, yielded by many national and international institutions. The fascinating exhibition also counts on materials of the own exhibition of the Museum like unit of birds and mammals, amphibians and reptiles, fish and invertebrates, chorales, fossils, flowers of the past century and a skeleton of okapi, among others.

This route by the evolution of Darwin is distributed in five thematic scopes: The scientific context before century XIII, the precursors of Darwin, the history and biography of Darwin, the genetics and, finally, the darwinismo in Spain. In order to culminate with the celebration of the darwinismo the National Museum of Natural Sciences it recently celebrated a cycle of conferences and scientific cinema. The lovers of science have an inescapable appointment in Madrid. The exhibition can be visited of Tuesday Friday of 10 to 18 hours, Saturdays of 10 to 20 hours and Sundays and festive of 10 to 14:30 hours. The evolution of Darwin discovers and reserves to the best supplies and discounts of hotels in Madrid with