Arts and Drama

The objective of this work is to differentiate, at least, three types of art that had been of utmost importance in these last centuries, that are, the representative art, characteristic art and dramatical art, under a perspective of the thinker Ernest Cassirer 2 REPRESENTATIVE ART In its Aesthetica, Alexander Baumgerton, tries to prove, through a logical idealizao of the imagination, that the art is independent, however, it was imperfection because the logic of the imagination never could reach the same dignity of the logic of the pure intellect. The philosophy of the art and the language, possess antagonistic trends that oscillate constantly, one are objective, the other is subjective. In the objective fact, the language and the art if I summarized and if it constructs through the imitation of the things. The imitation is an inexhaustible source of pleasures, and these pleasures, affirm Aristotle, are an experience more theoretician who specifically aesthetic. If an art if limits to the imitation, and the imitation never is a perfect copy of the object, then, who imitates modifies the object (or the nature), either for more good pu either for more worse, however, the mimtica art can not only assist the image of the nature as a whole, but also to improve it (or to get worse). For example, it has drawings of grape plantations, that are prettier of what many plantations of real grapes. In the representative art, the imitation is seen with something pleasant, therefore, no matter how hard that some object is difficult of being to see, he is delicious (or desprazeroso) to see such object represented for the art.