Bloom Shakespeare

The Shakesperiana tragedy is basically anthropocentric, whose manifest human act as the main reason of the catastrophe, since she is basically on between the action and the consequncia of its personages. In the tragedy of Shakespeare, they are the acts of the personages whom its personality discloses, in influence which them causing a effect its decisions, that cause the proper tragedy (BRADLEY, 2009). Choice of this subject if materialize due power of autotransformao of personages tragic of Shakespeare and its multiple perspective that becomes them free artists of itself exactly, what it means that they are free to command its decisions and to make changes, as salient Bloom (2001). In this expectation, this research if justifies for presenting an analysis of the tragic personages of Shakespeare, who have the power to prevent the tragedy, however they do not make them due to the innumerable errors that commit as reflected of its personalities (BRADLEY, 2009)..