Fishing Line

So, you bought yourself or produced an excellent rod. What's next? Need to choose the appropriate snap-in. First, it is, of course, fishing line. The most important and most vulnerable part of any rod. How often damn flimsy fishing line, because that is gone, as a rule, "the biggest" big fish. It happens like this: Sitting next to two anglers.

One of them, wisely tied fishing line thicker, and he will not bite. Coarse Tackle scares the fish. Its neighbor catches on a thin line, excellent bite, but every now and then a fish breaks the line and leaves. How to choose the best option? Where is the golden mean? In ancient times, many centuries, the best material for the forest was considered a horsehair. It is strong, not visible in the water, rot, not confused. Yes, and horses have been around completely. For different locations fishing took a dark or light hair.

Manufacturing methods as were several. On the nodes, and without knots, with weaving. At a forest, thick 6-8 hairs caught fish weighing up to 4 pounds. Anglers are more experienced and treated more subtle woods. It is also often used silk fishing line. But they were not readily available. Now it's exotic, and probably few who use this rarity. Most commonly used synthetic transparent fishing line. They are not afraid of water and a small thickness can withstand quite a lot of weight. Experts caught on fishing line diameter of 0.1 millimeters kilo bream and a fishing line thin horsehair. But whatever the fishing line was not, it still might break, so you wind up on motoviltsa or coil, a small fishing line over a length of 15-20 meters. In this case, you can quickly recover and continue to bait fishing. What tricks do not come up with only the fishermen to keep their lines from all sorts of trouble. Not so long ago, fishermen have come up with another addition to the fishing-rod, helps keep most of the fishing line at a precipice. This is a "leash." Of course, even now not all the fishermen used this device, but the benefits of a large and obvious. The leash is part of the fishing line, which is tied hook. Its length is typically 50-100 cm, the thickness must be smaller than the main fishing line. For example, if you catch on stems 0.4 mm thick leash tied to 0.3 or 0.25 mm. The benefit of this device is twofold. First, thin leash less scary fish, and secondly, in the event of termination, for example because of the toe, you lose only a small portion of fishing line. Agree, it's better than losing all the fishing line, cut short near the rod. Also, if you catch a prey fish, such as pike or large perch, which may just have a bite or grind your teeth line, use a sturdy metal leash. Of course, in this case there is no need to attach the wire meter, fully only 10 – 15 cm of thin wire. Article 'fishing line' and other articles about the secrets of fishing can be found on the website.