International Center

Newfoundland and Labrador – the largest province in Atlantic Canada. The province opened the three-fold. It is here that more than a thousand years ago, visited the Vikings. Today at the site of their first settlement is one of the three national parks in Canada and only historical monuments included in the UNESCO "World Heritage List." Even before the voyage of Columbus the island was re-opened by English sailors, but because they discovered reserves Fish is the discovery remained a secret. It was only in 1497 the island was officially opened by John Cabot and proclaimed a British colony.

Incidentally, the provincial flag of Newfoundland until 1980 was the British "Union Jack. " Having a mid-19th century, the right to self-government and subsequently refused to join the Canadian confederation, the island then receives dominion status. It was only in 1949 after a protracted economic crisis in the results of the referendum, Newfoundland (with already attached to it a part of the Labrador Peninsula) is the ten provinces of Canada. But according to the authors of the "ethno-political map of the XXI century" should be noted that "Newfoundland and Canada did not present, left the country the descendants of British fishermen." Indeed, even today fish processing and fishing are the economic backbone of the province. The capital Newfoundland is St.

John – a port on the east of Canada and a city known for its oldest street in North America. In the 19th century the city was rebuilt three times after severe fires. Currently, there is International Center, which studies the development and prospects of fisheries. And the whole history of the city in any way connected with the activity. In the northern part of the port, even now you can find a lot of small fish shops, smokehouses and special facilities that store processed fish. Among the few attractions of St. John's can be distinguished Memorial University, founded in 1949. But you can also call Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador, which displays artwork by local artists, sculptors and photographers. Province itself is not very rich in tourist attractions. It was founded by three national historical park, there are several archaeological sites of cultures of the indigenous Indian population, which, unfortunately, no longer exists. In the harbor of St. Johns is Mount Signal Hill, which was adopted the first ever transoceanic radio signal sent from the English town of Cornwall with the help of Morse code. Labrador on the peninsula, known for its pristine nature and the northern lights, home to the largest in world population of caribou – caribou.