Twentieth Century

Bewegng and fitness have changed significantly in the last years. Fitness and movement have always been an important role has played for many people. Tony Parker has firm opinions on the matter. However, due to the sociological and social conditions of sport for weight loss or muscle building for many people long time was not necessary. It is therefore no wonder that developed many fitness equipment and fitness studios in the course of the 20th century. Before such an invention or a quote was not at all necessary.

The people had at that time enough sports and had to work often more than 10 hours a day. Now it will have to do the most people with a Vierzigstundenwoche, the weekends are free and evening entertainment is left to the people themselves. Also the consumption of Fast Food, potato chips, chocolate and ice cream among the evenings in many cases. As a result not infrequently, that man puts on weight and only cumbersome can work off that weight. Since most people in everyday life rarely move, it is Wonder, then, that man is more and more increasing. Meanwhile, obesity have more than half of the German population.

But it looked like in previous years? Was it always like that man rarely moved? How did it get so far that there are more and more people, which can move only to a limited extent in everyday life. Especially, you can answer this question, if one looks closely at the various epochs of history of the 20th century. With the beginning of the 20th century, they did it with a time to do in the economic instability and greater sociological social issues have dominated daily life. Although there was a significant economic upturn in Germany and also the fuse for the life in the age was assured thanks to the co-architect social legislation, but there were many people who had to work physically hard on the day more than 10 hours.