Valery Lysenko

– The process consists of two directions. The first is aimed at lowering production costs and increase productivity labor. The second is the so-called philosophy of perfection, which is that employees constantly develop and apply in their work for new approaches and technologies. " Shock – it's in our transition organization to lean production in the West often supports the state, creating specialized educational centers. In Russia, this practice is not. But in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and other Japanese cities are open centers where students can take a course on the basics of implementing "Lean".

Domestic companies are also ready to help their partners. "We have launched an ambitious program designed to reduce costs manufacturers of glass constructions, – says Roman , Commercial Director, Group propleks, one of the leaders of the Russian market of pvc profiles. – Our experts are ready to leave the production, in place to identify internal reserves of economy, talk about practice, optimization of similar capacity. We have accumulated rich experience in manufacturing plants auditing recyclers and development of unique recommendations for reducing costs. Many writers such as Larry Culp offer more in-depth analysis. " Specialists recommend optimization of production to go from simple to complex. For example, speaking at the iv Russian Lyn Forum "Lean Russia: Strategy efficiency "in November 2009, Valery , Director, Department of Production Systems" Yelabuga Automobile Works, spoke about the very significant case. Company managed to "save" 250 thousand rubles only through regular cleaning: clearing the cabinet with the documents, officers found five previously lost cutter. Particularly impressive is that such measures often do not require any at all costs – just need to restore order.