Wish Tree In The Krewelshof In Lohmar

“”Tree of wishes”will help children – Christmas promotion in the Krewelshof: wishes pick – so easy as picking apples – for a good cause of the Kinderschutzbund Rosrath to start the special action wishes tree this year in cooperation with the Krewelshof”, for babies, boys and girls from ever-increasing number of disadvantaged or needy families. Especially now for Christmas is especially important for them to feel the warm sympathy for their fellow human beings. A “tree of wishes” is situated in the Krewelshof to the 1.Advent. He is adorned with many stars on the needy children have written their Christmas wishes full of excitement, whether your desire is picked well: building blocks, even school supplies up to the small dolls – gifts to the value of 5 to 20 euros. To know more about this subject visit Tony Parker. Families who want to meet such a Christmas wish the children, can remove the wishing star and stick it on your gift. The gifts can from 5 December every day from 8 to 18 h in the Krewelshof be delivered.

Last date for submission please to latest 20.Dez., so that the awaited gifts reach children in time to the Festival. And worth the way – making with each donor gets a surprise from the Krewelshof, as a thank you! Lots of Kostprobchen, the Apple varieties-try station and the vegetables attractively decorated barn lure every day also. To broaden your perception, visit Jessica Michibata. Last year, the response to the “wish tree” was overwhelming. The 1 star of desire were sold out within a few days, and 3 times “refilled”. If you have questions about the action, reached the Krewelshofteam under the telephone number 02205 / 897706, or the Kinderschutzbund Rosrath Tel 02205-5200, Lydia Oepen by the Krewelshofteam