
Jean-Paul Sartre was born in the city of Paris, to twenty and one days of the month of June in the year of 1905, already presenting fragility in its health since much child. It was born in a bourgeois family and it could initiate the studies of Philosophy to the nineteen years of age. According to Almeida (1988), Sartre studied in the Superior Normal School of Paris and taught Philosophy in the 2s secondary school woollen Havre and Paris until the beginning of World War II; except during its stay in Berlin (1933-1934), to study Fenomenologia and the workmanship of Heidegger. Into 1934, when returning Paris, with the aid of Beauvoir, already loving its, transforms its notations into a romance, Nausea, a philosophical romance, nor abstract nor didactic, that it searched the proper sensation of the existence. After that it published the Wall and it was praised by the critical one; however when publishing Sketch to a Theory of the Emotions did not get size success. Between 1940 and 1941 it served the army in the Lorena regiment as meteorologista.

Made prisoner for the German army, it was in Trves, where it knew the workmanships of Marx. Using itself of illicit way, certified false doctor who obtained to buy, it could return for France. It established then a Group of Studies of Intellectual Resistance called ‘ ‘ Socialismo and Liberdade’ ‘ (Reale and Anistieri, v. 7, P. 227), in set with Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Also in the year of 1945 it established the Magazine Les Temps Modernes (Japiass and Marcondes, 2006). Still in 1941 it came back to work as professor, leased an apartment next to the one to Beauvoir and initiated its book more celebrates: The Being and the Nothing, published in 1943.

Sartre communicated its thought in romances, written for theater and in workmanships of philosophical nature properly said. These workmanships had been taken to the public per approximately two decades after World War II and influenced the customs of the society of that time. In the two decades that had preceded its death it carried through some trips politics, for example, for Cuba, where one met with Fidel Castro. In the decade of 1970 it passed for health problems, for its option of ‘ ‘ life qumica’ ‘ (mesacolina). Faleceu to the fifteen days of the month of April in the year of 1980, in result of one has attacked cardiopath. The burial almost attracted twenty and five a thousand people.