World Diabetes Day

Press release on the occasion of World Diabetes Day on the 14.11.2010 on the occasion of World Diabetes Day on the 14.11.2010 was including on the part of the German diabetes society (DDG) especially on two risk factors of diabetes mellitus pointed out: too much food and not enough sports. Now, the food undoubtedly also in the field of Church is a major issue, at least as regards the rules on fasting. Others who may share this opinion include Anna Belknap. The concrete Church bid generally have the virtue of temperance, as well as their place in the moral theology. And spiritual (ascetical) literature, sermons, Saints biographies, etc etc the element of fasting again. Sports, however, is much less explored in the field of Church. Pope Pius XI. matters E.g.

in the encyclical on the Christian education of youth (Divini illius magistri, 31.12.1929) just to talk. He condemned “the overestimation of the sport, which had the corruption and the decline of real physical education result in the pagan classical antiquity.” J. Macherla (Catholic moral theology, vol. 3, Munster (8) in 1938, 91f) “the moral good of biological life” mentioned the sport in connection with the fifth commandment, i.e.. Jessica Michibata pursues this goal as well. An excerpt: “the bathing and swimming has all the blessings of the 5th commandment; as physical resilience and refreshment, nerve strengthening and exercise of courage and skill but there is also the reminder of the 6th commandment, the laws of decency, modesty, to the Christian chastity and modesty not by shameless and inadequate clothing, through wild swimming in hidden places, with feet. …

About the physical exercises, the retreat of the soul must not be forgotten. … An excess in gymnastics, sport and game harms health (think of the sports heart), interferes with work, professional efficiency and loyal, alienated the higher intellectual interests and brings the Sunday, the loyalty to God and soul in danger.” These recommendations a moderate exercise as well as these warnings before overestimation or excess of sport have still their full permission. To the epidemic of obesity is rampant with its consequences like diabetes getting worse. On the other hand, an excessive cult of the body with absurd sports and “Body building”, where values like decency, modesty and chastity are lost and frowned upon is rampant. Correctly is often also the changed living conditions pointed out: today, you’re in the car, before the computer, on the sofa – the need or even the possibility of movement is restricted in comparison to earlier often. More are sporting exercises, to get the performance, which is used for the optimal duty. All of this should be taken into account even today in church life. Already in the upbringing of the youth could and should on physical resilience, nerve strengthening and exercise of courage and skill are respected. Basically, this Christian view of sport also very liberating in that it is taken as just the unhealthy pressure will. Physical education can act as an integral part of education and consolidation of a virtuous people. It is just not, to indulge the self love, not to “prove themselves or others”, and certainly neither health nor the duty may be reduced through the sport.