Brazilian Southeast

Our bigger tragedy is the March waters closing the summer is not to know what to make with the life. Jose Saramago intense rains in the Brazilian Southeast, that happen in the months of intense heat between October and March, occur due to a called phenomenon Zone of Convergence of the South Atlantic. It is a concentration of hot and humid air mass of long permanence – it can be up to five days in a region. This dense humid road forms it the south of the Amaznia, passes for the Center-West and arrives at the Southeast, where if it comes across with another mass of humidity proceeding from the South Atlantic and generate a imensido of clouds. The chains of air mass find an obstacle in the mountain chain of the Mountain range of the Sea, that follows for the Brazilian coast, of Santa Catarina until the Espirito Santo.

The bulk of up to 2000 meters of altitude of the Mountain range of the Sea that surrounds the region creates a barrier that imprisons loaded clouds densely, with up to 18 kilometers of height. Some signals throughout the virtual road emit yellow acknowledgments reds: the fuels of the precipitations that are the heat and the humidity in excess blow up the cumulus-limbs. Result: persistent torrential rains and located disasters. The water excess can provoke a tragedy, but for this the presence of a set of 0 variable becomes necessary, namely: ground made marshy and unstable for previous rains; declivities accented of up to 90 degrees, inexistence of adjusted vegetation, disordered occupation of risk areas (mounts, hillsides, valleys, fertile valleys of rivers, fens), and lenincia of the public power. Unhappyly all these factors were gifts in the serrana region of Rio De Janeiro at the beginning of 2011. The hillsides of mountain ranges are normally composed for a tenuous land layer on the rocks, with low absorption capacity. .