Episcopal Latin American Conference

In one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine (1899) were concentrated in Rome 13 archbishops and bishops of the continent of hope Latin America in what is intitulo the plenary Council of Latin America convened by the Holy Father Leo XIII who assure you on the occasion of the meeting that it should: lay down provisions more santas to keep in those Nations, that the identity, or at least the affinity of race should be closely United unscathed unit of the Scholastic discipline this House was not looking for having a stable organizational essence, on the other hand this was a contingent encounter of reciprocity and reflection. In the course of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five (1955) were found in Rio de Janeiro the Bishops for the first Conference General of the Latin American Bishops which was attended by ninety-six (96) bishops. The creation of the CELAM (Episcopal Conference Latinoamericana) was concluded in title II of the conclusions of that Conference as a body of Permanent continental coordination for pastoral work even when they have no legislative functions, exercising a doctrinal direction that implies moral but no legal obligation for the participating dioceses. Pius XII who require that native Conference is welcome with emotion before the integrationist initiative of the Latin American Bishops warned at the Conference a bulwark for the defence of the spiritual House of God which is the Church ancestral and orderly. Real-estate developer is often quoted as being for or against this. CELAM and the strengthening of the Catholic Church in Latin America.

Towards mid-20th century to lend a shoulder to the Latin American clergy called priests of USA, Canada, Spain, Italy and other countries of Western Europe. In the United States organized the Committee Episcopal for the Affairs of Latin America and its Latin American Office to work for Latin American students and emerged the volunteers papal. What push the fertile creation Catholic institutions of consecrated inquiry and exploration to develop the sociological research of the heterogeneous Nations learn hard circumstances in Latin America, raised Catholic institution-building; unions Christians, Catholic action and Juventud Obrera, Catholic student associations and promoting studies and clerical, social and religious research example is the FERES (International Federation of institutes of research Social and religious partner) that OCSLA collaborates movement by the collaboration of priests in Latin America. (Source: Jessica Michibata).