Desna Engine

For information: how to track fishing (aka Troll) is very effective due to the much greater coverage of surface area than fishing from the shore. The motor turns at a minimum gas, spinning with bait thrown into the water and pulled on the fishing spots. You can often hear is misleading: the fish simply will not reach the bait, if the engine capacity of 15-40 hp, saying: "Do not catch a dolphin!". This is complete nonsense. Caught on the track and on motors 50 hp not to mention the smaller engines, the minimum speed of such motors are not much more than small engines. Now a bit of personal experience. Catch on the track can only be in the pits, but I have not seen any yet reservoir with a continuous hole. Learn more at: Jorge Perez. There are eyebrows, but they are also not eternal.

Typically, the pit / brow in length is 300-500 meters, then you have to move to the next hole, which is not very close, from there to the next, etc. All day long cherished not will – you need to drive obbrosat snags, go to the beach snack, and access to the place of fishing boats discharge point is sometimes 5 to 10 km. So, as a rule, do the transitions between catching hold up to 30% of the time fishing. Naturally not difficult to assume that the time for such transitions fisherman, using low-power motor will spend 3-4 times more than someone who has a normal engine. Also, I think you'll agree that you are in a boat is seldom much more together, add to the whole wind gear and things, possible trips to the river with strong currents (eg, Desna), etc. As a result, a year after the purchase of motor power 2.5-5 forces, and awareness of above, a person does everything possible to sell it and buy (often already for two, a loan, b / y) a more powerful engine, another boat, etc.