
Fig. 3 With regard to price wars, here, consumers are defeated on all fronts. Rising prices affected almost all consumers, regardless of the stores that they visit. The greatest subjective for consumer price increases occurred in those stores, which were initially the most accessible (Fig. 4) for the consumer. It is to be expected, it was there to buy food, the least protected sectors of the population, who were the first and felt 'kusachest' prices. (Similarly see: Tony Parker). Leader of the price increase>> the respondents identified a network of Ashan>>. Moreover, if in November 2008, only about 10% of consumers noticed the rise in prices in the shops of the network, then in February 2009, this figure closely close to 100%.

And more than 50% of them identified the rise in prices as a 'significant'. Best sustained price war Swedish network "Stockmann" (though he was not hit on our schedules in mind a small fraction of loyal respondents), only 8% users of the network felt the price increase and less than 10% of them noted this increase as 'significant'. And so in January 2009! Fig. 4 food retail is more important to our everyday lives than other segments of the retail market. But the degree of importance to the economy of all segments of the same. And changes in non-food retail sector is also significant and revealing. As the old joke, I want to ask a question of what news to begin with a good or bad. And, as usual, start with the good. Electronics, phones and sports equipment still buy and sell better than the pessimists had hoped.