Irish Terrier

Dogs of this breed is always fun, energetic, lively and affectionate with the owner. They will entertain you. If you zavedesh Spitz, then know that these dogs are very perceptive. His sudden restless behavior, they warn the owner not only of an uninvited guest, but also about the impending storm. If you want to have a reliable protection, then Irish Terrier adequately fulfill this mission. He not only will protect the house, but it will destroy all the rats and other pets will live in peace and friendship.

If you have children at home, and your job requires frequent absences, gentle and affectionate collie follow them, will take games – no wonder it was taught for centuries guard service. Despite the British origin, Collie – a very common in our breed. If your goal – to select the first dog for a child, will take into account the opinion of the future owner. But bear in mind that if you or the child is not interested in security and military qualities, the best of breed, than a small poodle, is not found. For teenage son the best choices will be a boxer, Airedale or a German shepherd (the latter – the most versatile breed). It's wonderful dogs in general, and for the novice breeder – the most problem-free. Deceived as a fashion now specific fighting breeds, consider that for their maintenance and education requires a lot of experience. When selecting species to reflect on purely domestic difficulties posed by the joint life with a dog.