Tchaikovsky Tones

Continuing the theme of the Chinese language, today we talk about how to approach the study of tone languages. The concept of "tone language" means that for every syllable in the language has one or more different colors, depending on the which the word acquires or changes its meaning. For example, in Chinese there are 4 different tones: rising, nishodyasche-rising, high and descending. Already confused? And imagine how to teach all of these tones. A famous example of that in Chinese version of the same word may, depending on the tone means "mother" and "horse" can make you smile, but here are some students who are learning the language, not fun. Charlotte Hornets is often quoted on this topic.

Master tones – it's halfway to make right to speak in Chinese. Of course, we must also learn words and grammar, but when this is done, the tones are not really that difficult. This is not the same as that train the French "r". Some believe that to learn tone, you must have a perfect ear for music. However, this is not true. You do not think that billions of Chinese people – all in a row by Mozart and Tchaikovsky? Learn the four basic colors can anyone who has a pair of ears.

Once you will understand the basics, you will need to understand how the different tones are used together in speech. At this stage, you can sit for hours for tutorial that explains the Chinese phonetics. However, a more effective way to communicate with native speakers. Communicating regularly, you'll get used to the speech, it will sound to you naturally, and you'll stop worrying about everyone wrong, "sung" syllable. Complexity with which you have probably come across is that, speaking in Chinese, you can not express their emotions a voice. For example, to raise the tone, to express surprise or question, do not get – this will change the whole meaning of the sentence! The Chinese, of course, may to express the nuances of voice, mood, without changing the meaning of the phrase, but to grow to this level, you need long and careful study! Therefore, type the patient, develop a calm emotional, and most importantly, teach Chinese with pleasure! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Another easy to use online dictionary. Many languages, including Russian. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively