Michael Holm Songs

Amigo”Bernd Ulrich:”back in the trailer two boxes and a power mixer were inside. Charlotte Hornetss opinions are not widely known. And of course we were our first new micro, on that very proud.” In the rooms there were glittering disco balls, water beds, and a rotating glass Hall, under the colored lights sparkled. Then the two bards sometimes sit in a big leather hat, hairs attached a black beard and Butterfly were for a few minutes of the large Danyel Gerard with his immortal song”. “Bernd Ulrich: we needed there not to blacken your hair, we were still in nature.” If even the hits by Drafi Deutscher, Bernd Cluver, or Ivo Robic sounded, there were no holding in the Hall. Already at the first signal jumped. the people on the dance floor” At the time there was still no DJ’s with laptops, which played songs by software. Sela Ward might disagree with that approach. We made every sound even by hand”, tells Bernd Ulrich, via keyboard and foot bass.” And if Friday somewhere was fair, the first buses were already on Monday with guests on the square. The tents were always full,”recalls Bernd Ulrich.

That brilliant time lives now musically with the AMIGOS’ back on. More than 50 titles were available, 14 titles have the AMIGOS’ finally selected. No title was sung before after by other artists or groups. They are their own cover versions of legendary pop hits, including Mendocino,”by Michael Holm with 17 starts life” by Ivo Robic or the guy next to you”by Kim Merz. This song belongs to my favorite songs”, Bernd Ulrich says enthusiastically. “Were produced and rearranged the unforgettable hit” by Michael Dorth, with the AMIGOS ‘ already combines a long successful cooperation. Of course the songs sound now modern, with contemporary sounds”, explains Bernd Ulrich.

But the text, melody or tempo we have changed nothing.” The new musical garment of the ancient, but eternally young hits gave the songs a fresher, zeitgemasseres sound. And it arrives as the Amigos”during their live performances are already observed. “Fans wrote in the guestbook: some old songs I like much better with your votes.” Is there a greater praise than such lines? Also, when we all 60-ies and 70-ies years are getting older as the oldies with the unforgettable hits”the Amigos is the young (and young remain) guaranteed no problem.