Great Stone

It is near the city of Santiago de Cuba, the second most important of Cuba. Museums, historic centres and other cultural attractions are common in it. After his stay in the Gran Piedra, Santiago de Cuba will be his next destination. It is a cosmopolitan city, as well as Havana, so sometimes it is difficult to find accommodation in any of its hotels, nine in total. Decide the days will pass on great stone and make a reservation in the city from the hotel. Hotels are as follows: the Melia Santiago de Cuba Hotel (5 stars), Hotel Casagranda (4 stars), hotel Islazul balcony of the Caribbean (3 star, on the outskirts of the city and close to the mouth of the Bay), Las Americas Hotel (3 stars), San Juan (3 stars) hotel, hotel Versailles (3 stars), hotel liberty (2 stars), and the hotel Rancho Club (2 stars). We recommend to buy a map of the city with the names of its streets, then in the same orientation is complex.

The saw of the Big stone, Rocky massif of great ecological, landscape and cultural values, is a set of elevations which is approximately 35 km long. Large stone meteorological Radar and Hotel or Motel with the same name are found in the climax of this massif, the first more high than the second, both a little more than 1 200 m in height. At this elevation, also called just like all the Massif, La Gran Piedra, there are several stone blocks, one of which is of enormous dimensions. It serves as a viewpoint and is gap Lineations, 51 m long by 25 m high Max, a width that varies between 10 and 36 m and a weight of the visible part which is estimated at 73 000 tons.

Elizabeth Taylor

Girls care if your galan by equis reasons cannot buy you a ring of 10, 20 or 30 more carats, no problem, for that Dios dio not eyes, to see the rings of the other we can calm a little our hunger, although you can also pass otherwise, but there is equal anyway I’ll obviously in the life of the very famous in the international show rings are, as say this tomb morales, that is lush, but while it is true so expensive, one than another does not have much grace, girls begin to speculate the first on the list is Elizabeth Taylor, to tell that the aforementioned ring had a value of $305,000 eye with 33 carats, by God nor all my properties together. He still holds the record from 1968 to possess the ring which has been paid more. In second place this Beyonce Knowles, whether for Single ladies, she has the most stunning of Holliwood second and go okay that title, has nothing more and nothing less than 18 carats and cost the modest sum of 250 thousand dolarillos. And how in this life there as it gives No third, Jennifer Lopez, if her that in addition to having it all has an anillaso of although 8 carats worth 120 thousand dolarines, barbara not devastates everything in its path..

Installation Joomla

Creating a website on the internet starts with selecting what will be the site of, or plain html or to use cms. When choosing cms Joomla is sometimes the problem is to correctly display the error, or when a material has not been found by link. Fix this by creating a page that will be shown at 404. 1. Create a material which will be shown at 404 Create material, asking him under 'do not enter' and the title 404. Write the text, for example: unfortunately, we could not find the page where you would like to see and, if necessary, also add some useful navigation links.

For example, you can add a link to the home page of your site. 2. Create and save link to new material. Create a menu item pointing to a material called 404 and click Apply to save your changes. Then copy the URL-address (index.php? Optio ), and set the menu item 'Published' to 'No'. Close Menu Editor. You can paste the URL-address in the 'Notepad', or where or in another accessible location. 3.

Copy the file error.php in the directory of your template. From the system nahodyaschegos Joomla template folder / templates / system Copy the file to your directory error.php templates. For example if your site has set the template named 'Cleancloud', copy the file error.php the directory template / templates / cleancloud. 4. Change error.php to redirect error with the 404 on your material. Edit the file error.php as follows: Add the following Installation Joomla! replacing the address on your: Disallow: / index.php? option = com_content & view = article & id = 75