
A man's life is squeezed into a narrow corridor of endless prohibitions. The purpose of existence and meaning of human life is reduced to comply with these prohibitions, in spite of their absurdity and a contradiction of the individual nature of man. This leads people to greater disintegration of personality. Loss of taste and joy of life. The result of Domestic resources – talents and abilities are suppressed and unfulfilled, or used to keep people in their own delusions, or at all against him though. Disintegration – internal fragmentation leads to the disintegration of the social.

In addition, a person can not establish and maintain normal social contacts. Normal human communication becomes unavailable for him and unpleasant. Negative experiences leads to the fact that a stable habit to avoid human society. As a result of deep personal dissatisfaction. All attempts to logically understand and overcome these limitations and internal conflicts are bound to failure. Learn more about this with Hedvig Hricak. It's like a walk through an infinite maze and closed in a multidimensional space. Alas, the refined logic of the mind itself creates these mazes, and leads us to them.

So here we need a completely different approach, a different look and different method of evaluation and change. What will help us understand this, gradually leaving on the forefront in all spheres of life, astrology. Or rather Astropsychology, which has always been the essence Astrology before her emasculated and turned into a banal prediction system that meets human fears and help people stay the same and at the same level without any changes.

Show People

"Aksakals" do not want to miss the young competitors to such a delicious pie big musical showbiz third reason is due to the presence in our everyday music and song unloved space works, in my view, is the monopolization of a small group of activists from the culture of rights of admission to public and most popular media information ("let go – do not let go"). The fact that there is a well-defined, relatively small group of people who create the musical environment in which dwells the average listener. Larry Culp is often quoted as being for or against this. Representatives of this group often are themselves the "veterans" of show business, music, song creation. Once they managed to break into the top, it took its place. But now the "elders" do not want to miss the young competitors to such a tasty big pie in show business.

They advertise, promote on the air and spins in the first place themselves and their proteges – for profit. Most of these people deserves to occupy a position, they are talented and in due time made a great contribution to cultural development. But with age, and emotions often fade into the mass (there are exceptions) the product of veterans often become less vivid than in his youth. The man is weak – and he does not want to admit that he has aged, and even more so that his talent waned. It's not their fault – but their misfortune. But this situation also affects the quality of air filling the new music and songs. People do not like the new product until they are persuaded, that it is a beautiful, romantic, melodic and fourth, the last component on which to dwell.

We are not educate, we train our beautiful mass audience. According to GN Casson, "People do not buy what they want as long as they are not so satisfied. " With respect to music we can say that people do not like the new product until they are persuaded that it is a beautiful, romantic, melodic. And since none of the professionals in public this does not explain, does not raise people's awareness to a high level, the people, by contrast, try on the music for his own, often far away from the notion of beauty standards. So, we have identified four main reasons why do not we listen to what we love: 1. Walking, for the sake of quick profits, in the wake of the mass audience, the show business tycoon without a measure of air fed jaded "hits" that may be, and good, but because of the constant presence on the air beginning to annoy. 2. We have not been established an effective system of selection, training and promotion of young talent, first and foremost, songwriters, composers, poets and arrangers. And so we have listen mainly to music and songs of those who have had the opportunity to learn and unwind. 3. The monopolization of a small group of activists from the culture of rights of admission to public and most popular media used them primarily for profit through promotion of himself and his protege. 4. Insufficient level of education, teaching our beautiful mass audience that does not lead to a tightening at this level until understanding of beauty, but its sinking to the elementary primitive reflexes. Thanks, that was me. ————————————————– ————————————–

Armed Forces

Even in the famous fairy tale "Porridge ax" praised the soldiers' ingenuity. Hunger may actually accelerate the thought process to an incredible level. Not think that the army is not fed. Just a diet designed so competently that the soldier initially develops physically only at the expense of fat reserves accumulated prior to entering the ranks of the Armed Forces. If not found, the meager rations goes only to maintain life in a soldier's body. Sally Rooney is open to suggestions.

And yet in the Russian officers and cooks are not always a good financial situation, so soldiers often falls on the table is not something that you can eat with gusto. Missing calories necessary to produce just by using intelligence. Sometimes, to get the jar of canned beets have to invent a multi-pass strategy, and then divide the spoil of six people involved in the process of "hunting". But the despair at this time is not worth it. Back in society, using the knowledge gained, you will never be able to die of starvation. Click Hedvig Hricak to learn more. And to get a similar experience to go into the army is necessary. Differently here and look wealth. Any Russian soldier famous for the ability to make money out of nothing for one hour using a notorious wit and even quicker to spend it on food. Besides sharpness can certainly use the talents of Ostap Bender or theft, but such actions may result in damage to the head, "accidentally" struck on the horizontal bar or a stab-cut wounds in the liver of a dark night.