
Good marriages involve a permanent giving and receiving. When the couple feel part of the same team sees, as something normal, working together for the sake of their relationship. The primary cause of unhappy relationships, conflicts are not the problem, but how we manage them. Download anger, constructively, can actually do wonders to clarify things and get the balance back into the relationship. However, the conflicts become a problem when are characterized by the presence of four attitudes namely: criticism, contempt, defence, and closure.

1. Critical critique involves attacking the personality or character of your partner, instead of focusing on the specific conduct that bothers you. It is healthy to airing disagreements, but it is not attacking the personality or the nature of your spouse in the process. It is the difference between saying: I am upset because you did not you trash and say, I can’t believe that did not you trash. You’re so irresponsible. In general, women tend to use this attitude more often in conflict. 2 Contempt contempt is a step that goes beyond criticism and implies the overthrow or insult your partner.

Contempt is an open sign of lack of respect. Examples of contempt include: mock you for your partner, put eyes in white (look at other side), lead face of contempt, or knock down the other with the sarcastic humor. 3 Defense be on the defensive, in the midst of a conflict, can be a natural response, but does not help the relationship. When you’re on the defensive, usually, you experience a lot of tension and that hinders you approaches in what has been said. You react, for example, denying liability-dades, inventing excuses, or responding to one complaint with another. 4 Closure using this attitude when, you simply refuse to respond. Avail ourselves of this tactic, from time to time, can be healthy; but, as a typical way interact, it becomes destructive to any relationship. Enclosed, retreat, is a sign of exhaust in the marriage, instead of wanting to resolve the problems. Men tend to employ the tactic of enclosing much more frequently than women. All couples will use these types of conduct on occasion in her marriage. Now, when one of these attitudes reside, permanent, the relationship is on track to failure. There are couples in which each of the members, make yours one of these four attitudes. Then given the combinations, for example: critical defensive, contempt closure, etc., depending on if the personalities who interact are opposite. When personalities are similar combinations can give: critical criticism, closure closure, etc. The presence of four attitudes can give as different stages in the relationship of the couple. Tragedy occurs when one partner tries to repair the damage done by these attitudes, and the other receives him with rejection, repeatedly. In this case the possibility that the relationship ends in divorce is very large. But certainly there are ways of overcoming conflicts without recourse to these four attitudes.


Art talk is talk of big words does not as a matter of sacralization, but by the intrinsic difficulty of its conception. We cannot so easily accept a meaning of art; even create it objective always there is someone who tells that it is objective from subjective, i.e., a simple opinion that is not a maxim by necessity. The Royal Spanish Academy, to which right or wrong, we are tied, first gives the following definition: virtue or disposition and the ability to do something. According to this, virtually all would be considered art. However, the following definition restricts its semantic field to a personal and disinterested that it interprets the real or imagined vision with Sonic, linguistic, or plastic resources. If this is art, then don’t we could talk about architecture as an art, since their vision is not disinterested.

On the contrary, you are interested in almost everything that ultimately build is put between people (as individuals), society (as a whole of) those) and nature (by what you can not avoid the aesthetics). The final product can not be a building uninhabitable, while a film, a painting, a poem or a song may not be comprehended and be art. The problem with architecture is its immediate usefulness. Nobody builds a building just to contemplate it or to make artistic criticism about it. The architecture has a basic and simple utility, but besides that, seeks manifested with particular aesthetic. As Hermann Broch said, we can deduce the essential characteristic of a period commonly architectural facade. In fact, a Roman housing will give us the essential feature of their citizens so that will be a reflection of needs of Visual delights, of the concept of beauty that concentrating; In short, tell us the way in which these people perceived the world. The architecture is a reflection of the society in a given period and through this reflex can surmise about the concept of art that was in that period. By Therefore, the first conclusion we could outline is that architecture is not art but sometimes may be considered as a reflection or a way of approaching the art of certain period or culture. The architecture will approach more to be a reflection of art as long as the architect decides it.

Cow Parade

Already a few weeks ago (and even now) come sighting sight and patience of all the people of the capital of Peru (Lima) this sample of cows (and other related) inorganic material (glass fiber I believe), on a normal scale, arranged in different points of our various cities or here called districts. Usually in squares, parks and pedestrian walkways. This dazzling exhibition of famous artists purpose is the sale of these works and whose fundraising will go with destination to the solution of the (targeted) poverty of many Peruvians. These cows, plastic, have over their body painting done by those artists, others have inlays of different materials such as coins for example, or others that are part of an inventive and creative mind: cow with two heads in the opposite direction, one that arises from a large ice cream cone, another made Grill, etc. Many of them are called vigilant, the curious gaze of passers-by, tourists and everyday workers; but to those who most calls the attention is to children of different ages, who are amazed by such a deployment of made fantasy art. I should point out that although it is a demonstration of current art, and whose collection is organized by some NGOs in coordination with the INC and the municipality of Metropolitan Lima, in addition to other local institutions, it should be (to my way of appreciating the fact) most hyped in order to generate the expected sales and healthy invest and soon the income from this activity. Works of art on three-dimensional figures and natural size of cows, called The Cow Parade are even today by different places.