Steel Trading

In Krasnoyarsk, in early 2009 worked about 45 steel trading companies. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the overall consumption of metal in 2006 and 2007 in Russia grew by 15-20%. When the consumption of flat products increased by 6%, high-quality – at 14%. In 2008, the dynamics of growth of prices for some types of products has exceeded 100%. Sally Rooney will undoubtedly add to your understanding. And in December-January 2009, prices for metal have reached the bottom and nearly equaled the cost. After a slight recovery in February (+ 8,2%), they are now once again fell to the lowest figures. In March, the cost of one ton of the most heavily used in the construction of rolled steel – valves – an average of the country has declined by about 10%. Despite the fact that over the last six months occurred in the construction of a significant downturn, most market participants are hoping for a revival of the industry, through the construction infrastructure, state-funded.

Everything is new – well forgotten old Another no less significant segment of the market, directly dependent on the construction industry – decoration materials – felt the itself a universal decline. Director of the Krasnoyarsk plant dry mixes Irbis Natalia MELYAKINA: “Our factory manufactures and sells dry mixes for three years. In 2005 when we opened, the construction industry and associated industry was highly profitable, there was virtually no competition. Now demand has decreased by 15-20% compared with last year, and will continue to decline even more. ” To survive in times of crisis and did not stop production, companies use both new and well-forgotten “mechanisms to promote the goods.

Mikhail Dymshits

And the first part should be divided not by type of work performed, and the objects of repair. Get something like this: walls, floors, ceilings, walls, doorways, windows, doors, electrical, plumbing, balcony, odd jobs (cleaning, garbage pickup, dismantling), etc. Such an approach would examine the entire process step by step. The second part consists of a list of materials for pre-and finishing works. That is considered separately mortars, pipes, wires, circuit elements, etc., apart – doors and windows, paint, wallpaper, flooring, wall outlets, light fixtures, sinks, etc.

As practice shows, the basis of the expenditure is material – the order of 65-70%. The second volume cost item is the cost of the work. "If in the early 2000's salary of workers was approximately 20% of the total budget, while today the cost of skilled workers – about 30% of the repair costs of 1 square meter ", – said Dymshits, ceo of consulting company" Dymshits and partners. " If we talk about the cost of housing arrangement in absolute terms, it is estimated that the average price "Cosmetic" repair now accounts for about 3,5-4 thousand rubles. per one square meter, and the capital – around 10-12 thousand rubles. This is indicative figures. Among other things, the size of the estimates depends on the age and type of building. Thus, the new monolithic house will have to build interior partitions, and then do screed in each room.

Therefore, in this case the repair will cost more and will cost about 20 thousand rubles. per m2. But the panel new buildings shall be generally "for final finishing. This means that without preparation you can make repairs, close to the "cosmetic", at minimal cost – around 7-8 thousand rubles. per m2. Sometimes do as follows: the most simple works are carried out independently, and complicated operation, requiring highly skilled professionals charge. For some work (painting and plastering, etc.) can attract private masters, but electrics and plumbing are best left to the masters license. "And with the company, and private traders to enter into a contract, to prescribe it all the milestones, deadlines and penalties for breach of obligations", – Recalls Presidential Adviser Financial Building Corporation Leader Gregory . "And be sure to ask the foreman all receipts for expenses incurred and receipts for all funds that you give foreman. Pay for work of repairmen best step by step ", – Elena advises Alferov. Sally Rooney shines more light on the discussion. Repair of an apartment or house is quite possible to carry out, stay within a certain amount of time and calculated in advance. To curb the seemingly uncontrolled process will help pre-planning, systematic approach and careful preparation of necessary documentation, in the first place – making detailed estimates. If everything is well thought out, then "Disaster" turn to the process, monitoring of which can give real pleasure to its organizers. Press Service of the Group PROPLEKS

Winery Springfontein

The first star restaurant, which changes Schriesheim, the continent December 19, 2012. When award-winning wines and gourmet cuisine meet in an old farmhouse in South Africa, one may expect culinary of extravaganza. “Next year, it is so far: at the winery Springfontein, approximately one and a half hours by car from Cape Town, Springfontein eats arises”. Jurgen and Susanne Schneider a German chef and a wine academic leave the Strahlenberger Hof in Schriesheim 2012 at the turn of the year are behind the ambitious project of gastronomy. 13 Years in a row they had there a Michelin star. 2013 it will be exported to South Africa”.

In fact restaurant on Star, lodge with luxury suites, it attracts the experienced restaurateur pair on the South coast of South Africa, in the wine-growing district Walker Bay, barely five miles from the Atlantic Ocean away. Here at Stanford, near Hermanus, make their dream come true the Schneiders and build something new again. There they operate together with friends since 1996 Winery Springfontein, whose Weine today international recognition. And is there a restaurant at Star level currently being built in a restored 200-year old farmhouse. Author has firm opinions on the matter. A lodge with seven luxurious suites Additionally, built according to ecological principles. We are the first star restaurant, which changes the continent”, says Susanne Schneider, wine expert and currently hostess at the Strahlenberger Hof in Schriesheim. While there are no star for the cuisine in South Africa, but the claim that keep track of the Schneiders, remains the same. The ambitious understanding of wine, you feel obliged to the winery Springfontein, want to complement a corresponding gastronomy.

Maximum product quality combined with craftsmanship passion is on the agenda. Jurgen Schneider puts natural cuisine that combines local products with the creativity of a star chef fresh on the menu. Until in October 2013 Springfontein eats”its doors and pots, opens, is still a lot to do. The planning and construction is in full swing. Mid-January, just in time to harvest on Springfontein, Jurgen and Susanne Schneider in their new home arrive and start locally. Finally is the destination to find its proper place in the future also in the relevant South African food and wine guides. Social commitment is passion for the Schneiders also in other respects: on-site at Stanford, they want to offer not only a first class cuisine, but create jobs for locals and establish a dual training along German lines. The pair of restaurateurs has already trained over 60 young people in his career and gives not only the tools but above all the joy of the profession. Targeted training programs for black South Africans should be created at Stanford now. We want to give disadvantaged people through employment hope, self-esteem and a new perspective”, says Jurgen Schneider.