Moscow XIX

How much Olivier for the people? Salad 'Moscow' salad 'Capital', 'Russian salad', a vegetable salad with meat, vegetable salad with grouse, vegetable salad with meat and hazel grouse and a dozen more synonyms – and now tell the children his name? O-li-Vieux! That's right! Under whatever guise, and not hide no matter how diversified fillers do not we all love this salad, it is still the vast majority of people will call, call, branding his name, Olivier. Salad 'Olivier' has become an integral part of Russian feasts. Guests gatherings, dozhdeniya day, anniversary, wedding – a characteristic feature of these events is sure to be 'Olivier'. He is not inferior in popularity except vodka. Why? Well, let's order. History There are many versions about the origin of this masterpiece of cookery. History 'Olivier', however, as any significant historical event is shrouded in an aura of mystery and puzzles.

Although there is an official version. Cult institution Moscow XIX century was regarded as an inn 'The Hermitage'. It is situated almost in the center of Moscow in the Pipe area. On three sides it is surrounded by boulevards – favorite festivals metropolitan residents. Near here, and to Kremlin, and the famous Sanduny located nearby, make themselves known. 'The Hermitage' at least and had the title of plebeian status inn, but has a very high-quality service and had a great reputation in Moscow. When preparing the famous French chef, the visitor has not been waived. Light hand and this is the creation of musyu salad recipe that he did not reveal to anyone, and carried to the grave.

Mobile Security

Tips for mobile IT protection as a long-standing, well-established IT service provider knows the BSB Bremer software & Consulting GmbH with the topic IT security off. The certified Kaspersky Partner gives tips for mobile IT protection that can be easily implemented. 1. Security for smartphones. For a successful security strategy for smartphones must be determined once, what smartphones must be protected. In this case, a software can help, from the outset only allow access to certain devices which automatically takes inventory of the devices, or your employees.

Note: Smartphones represent potential vulnerabilities with Jailbreaks or other changes to the operating system and are thus in the corporate network. So that the Smartphone is optimally protected, common security policy, which are common also for PCs, should apply to the Smartphone: secure passwords, backups, a firewall, and of course a current anti-virus software. Regular updates for all devices should be neglected under any circumstances. The centralized distribution of protective software can be done via email or sync. Configuration options can be set on the best basis of management software. Selected phone numbers and SMS spam can be blocked so simple. For a comprehensive overview of the security, it is advisable to adjust the monitoring to mobile devices. Thus, an analysis of Smartphone data traffic is possible to detect targeted attacks on the corporate network, prepared via Smartphone.

2. Protection opportunities. In addition to the anti-spyware software, the device’s own protective functions contribute to more safety. The PIN code of the unit should be always used and turned on. This can be useful in the event of theft. Android phone owners should necessarily turn on the schema lock of the phone. Enable mobileME iPhone users is recommended. Almost every phone can in case of use with a different SIM card locked be. When once traveling with your mobile phone, you should back up your data prior to departure.