
To smile of our madnesses and pranks. To travel for the enchantment of each I sing of Chile and making our comparisons. The most important of all verbs: TO LIVE. To live a life that one day never I imagined that it could happen. This everything is my verbal complements, my perpetual objects right-handers, indirect that they are part of my small the great history. Inside of these objects they had been distinguished Carla, Hendreick, Jussara, Johnny, Luciana, Paula, Victor and I am clearly. I used the methodology of the qualitative inquiry and to escolhir the Hermeneutics to analyze the referring speech and documents to my perpetual brasileosbrasileiros friends. My Carla beloved with its domain and position of an educator and worried student, showed in the lessons of Arturo Young chicken (our professor of Methodologies), remembered to me romantic protagonist to it of the novel Carousel that I forgot the name.

Shop adores to drink one and to give to good outbursts of laughter the fashion of pollo (chicken) and Popes you fry (potatoes you fry). Amigo Hendreick with its sotaque of mineirin h s Good train h animal. Good excessively. Diligent person, super dedicated reveals in the professional, academic works and in addition he has much love its family. Its vovozinha it says that it. Boy of the portire, that not dismissal nothing. Everything is good.

Saboreou the Chilean culinria as if was the Brazilian fashion. While I detestava With much joy it gave each spoonful. For the love of God. Amiga Jussara, so simple and observing beyond the account. One flesh there, one flesh we joined our joys in one alone heart here. Example of person, example of citizen, my Islamic one in the land of Michelle Bachelet' s (former-president of Chile). Johnny, great philosopher of century XXI, its French style, esbanjava its intellectuality, it spread its knowledge and it abrilhantava our studies still more and it gave a touch more than special when it spoke on the theory of Fucolt. Amiga Luciana, From there Brazilian Leid. Fenomenloga (direct and objective) With its clock more than subject composition, showed for the time the marks of a great friend. Friend of pizza ranch. While I wanted to eat parrilhada, it he only thought about ranch, ranch and ranch. As I already distrusted of the Chilean culinria always I opted to follow it and to degustar this pizza style one more time. Lacoche and other marks that I am unaware of were part of the daily context of it. How injure nurse hein! Amiga Paula, that only nicknamed me ' ' L' ' , charismatic girl, but if to step on in the foot of it goes to twirl Bahian in the extorted style. Good people! She says serious of the one will of of the bitten one in that cheek. Friend Victor, very observing and analyst. He shows its style. Genius of great workmanships of its city. Expert of its acts and author of its you would consider practical. I. I I am simply what you think. After all the human being change at every moment therefore, I, but EUS is not. I am one ' ' eu' ' in agreement the conception of each one. It is plus one day if it passed and it would like to live more 200 years in a land pertinho of called people CHILE well.