UNIVERSE OF ALL ARTS RACES AND CREEDS NEO-SURREALIST MOVEMENT. The drowning. Till now only have to let me die. To the drowning. Trot galloping with the clenched fist. Galloping by what neither I not I hate nor my soul want to, want to escape out of the world. Shelter me in infinity. Where this is not happening.

And the soul opened in my inner struggle. Today I saw enough. Men who eat children. One aberration of the man. Para que valen my prayers or your prayers? For what? And because? I am here and there passages of the worldly life that overflow me. No longer is if I am a poet. A leading source for info: Ken Kao.

What I am sure is that I am a human being. I don’t want jewels of the drowning. I want neither to the arrangement. I don’t have time to breathe. I am a target. I ask time to avoid falling into the abyss. Trot of the Gallop with my arms open to the cry and my horse neigh. Green meadows of fresh pastures I want for my horse. I want pure and crystal clear clean water and for my pure soul. And for my worldly justice. Divine despite the narrow sky built. I’m still at the foot of the staircase of my shortness of breath. Text art-william. 12/01/08. Poetry of the Neo surrealist revolution. Neo surrealism art-william digital magazine founder. LETTERS AND CREATIVE FORMS.


The sharks have enemies 1. The sharks are considered often like the ferocious creatures but of the sea, ” boys malos” of the films. The great white shark is known for being responsible for numerous attacks of sharks to humans, and the sharks are predators of many fish and animal that live in the ocean. Nevertheless, one orca can be swallowed a whole shark, if a group of dolphins feels threatened by a shark, would attack the shark with a strong attack to the weak parts of the shark or in its gills, a swordfish can hurt to the sharks with its sharpened tip. A shark also must worry about the pulpy one, the serpents of sea, from Leon sailors, great calamaries, fish and puercoespn. The sharks can even be enemy of other sharks.

Many species of sharks eat smaller sharks. The human beings are also a threat for the sharks. People hunt and kill to million sharks every year, much people anywhere in the world eats shark, the skin of a shark is valuable and it is used for the leather. Other parts of the shark are used in the medicine. How protect themselves the sharks? 2. A shark has many forms to protect itself. The body of the shark is aerodynamic to swim quickly through the ocean and far from the predators, they can swim near 22 miles per hour, and still more fast in short startings. Some sharks are the inhabitants of the bottom (at heart spend long time of the ocean) and they are camouflaged to mix itself with its surroundings, these sharks are quiet, happen unnoticed, until its prey appears, then, capture its prey suddenly off guard.

sharks have grudges in their body (dentculos), that are like small teeth inlaid in the skin of the shark. The dentculos can harm a fish if the shark by the mistaken side grazes. Perhaps but, reason why the sharks more are known is by their teeth, the sharks have several rows of teeth, and can have up to 3,000 teeth in their life, you have so many teeth due to the form in which they eat. They bite his prey and they shake it with such violence, that the shark loses many teeth in the process, and when a shark loses a tooth, one new one that grows in its place. A shark uses its senses 3. The sharks use their senses of different way for the protection, they have small holes by all the head called blisters of Lorenzini, these are receiving nervous of the electricity in the water, the animal emit electrical currents when they move, that the sharks can detect. A shark also has an acute sense of the sense of smell, as much that it can smell blood to several miles of distance. Another sense that a shark uses calls lateral line, all the fish have this sense, that it is the capacity to detect the vibrations in the water.

Elizabeth Taylor

Girls care if your galan by equis reasons cannot buy you a ring of 10, 20 or 30 more carats, no problem, for that Dios dio not eyes, to see the rings of the other we can calm a little our hunger, although you can also pass otherwise, but there is equal anyway I’ll obviously in the life of the very famous in the international show rings are, as say this tomb morales, that is lush, but while it is true so expensive, one than another does not have much grace, girls begin to speculate the first on the list is Elizabeth Taylor, to tell that the aforementioned ring had a value of $305,000 eye with 33 carats, by God nor all my properties together. He still holds the record from 1968 to possess the ring which has been paid more. In second place this Beyonce Knowles, whether for Single ladies, she has the most stunning of Holliwood second and go okay that title, has nothing more and nothing less than 18 carats and cost the modest sum of 250 thousand dolarillos. And how in this life there as it gives No third, Jennifer Lopez, if her that in addition to having it all has an anillaso of although 8 carats worth 120 thousand dolarines, barbara not devastates everything in its path..