Caribbean Geological Conference

There are a number data, put online, may shed light on the past, present and future of the Haitian earthquake. Subject to, so you are seeing, will be a huge political opportunity, and especially for the U.S. economy, Japan and Spain. Tony Parker will not settle for partial explanations. In 2008, the team of geologists led by Professor Paul Mann of the University of Texas predicted the earthquake that would occur in Haiti. In the eighteenth Caribbean Geological Conference, held in Santo Domingo in March 2008, Professor Mann presented the results of its investigation into the failure Enriquillo, which was attributed potentially capable of producing an earthquake of magnitude 7.2 in Richter scale. "There has been little progress in earthquake prediction, if we refer to predict specific date, size and location," he said last Friday at the Reuters Institute geophysicist U.S. Geological Survey, Stuart Sipkin.

According to this scientist, which are making "big is progress in the implementation of forecasts, where scientists are still able to recognize areas where there is potential for large earthquakes occur in the coming decades. " The second significant fact in the history of the matter is that in 2009, one year after the earthquake was announced at the Donors Conference held in Washington on April 14, 2009, at the headquarters of Bank (IDB Bank), "Haiti won commitments of official development aid worth 324 million dollars for the next two years, 2010 and 2011, of which 41 million would be earmarked for direct budget support. These funds have been increased subsequently rising to $ 353 million, as reflected in the minutes of the Council of Ministers of Spain, held on January 15, 2010, three days after the occurrence of the earthquake that devastated Port au Prince.