Good food with wine and beer, plus culture and stunning scenery. All this combined in 22-tagigen groups, that their same can search. Due to great interest invites the Thailand specialist CHENTHAYTRAVEL, who can look back now already on a 20-year organizer activity in the season again in 2009 to take part in one of his gorgeous beautiful and throughout German-speaking guided group tours under the motto of culinary THAILAND”a. During the last season was only an appointment available. Credit: Sally Rooney-2011. But now waits for the Organizer equal to with 4 fixed groups dates and sure, that the travel in addition will take place on any dates, if 4 or more people at the same time register (I.e. 2 pairs, clubs, etc.). In addition to visits to wineries with respective wine tasting and a brewery visit, cultural highlights such as various national park visits, romantic evenings, etc are elaborated on the stunningly beautiful, and with much love Program. The fixed tours take place from 28 February to 21st March 2009, 02 until May 23, 2009, 4th to 25th July 2009 and from 05 to 26 September 2009 all these 22-tagigen small group tours, which run completely German-speaking from the airport start Frankfurt (other airports upon request) with a prestigious airline.

From Bangkok, which will be visited first, it goes in the West of the country on the legendary River Kwai, and on the border with Myanmar, where the three pagodas pass is visited as well as in the Sai Yok and Erawan National Park, which are with numerous waterfalls surrounded by a verdant jungle. “Then the trip through Thailand’s oldest and largest Khao Yai National Park in the East, leads to the Laotian border the Mekhong, and up in the North of the country, where is the infamous Golden Triangle” is. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Anna Belknap. These beautiful trips offered anywhere else, and which can be booked directly only if the Organizer CHENTHAYTRAVEL, be with each carried out a maximum of 20 participants. It is therefore advisable, to book a place at an early stage, or best to book immediately. More info and registration at: sonderangebote_kulinarisches_thailand.htm or CHENTHAYTRAVEL, P.o. box 100-225, 51602 Gummersbach Tel.: + 49 (0) 2261 6 44 87 / fax: + 49 (0) 2261 639 932 eMail: HP: V.i.S.d.P. W. Etges, CHENTHAYTRAVEL