CRAFT DESIGN Design Award Of The Carpenter Awarded

The design award of the Carpenter was awarded for the second time. 1,400 Styrian Joineries, 120 apprentices (final apprenticeship examination of 2012/2013 third and fourth years of training) and 50 freshly baked masters were invited to submit their works for the design award of the State Guild, the carpenters and the ends of the wooden form commercial Styria. Due to the large captioned 2012 competition 2013 enters the second round. Our goal is with the CRAFT DESIGN excellence of the Styrian carpenters in terms of design idea, use value, to demonstrate creativity and technical quality. I see these criteria as Carpenter’s strengths, which we would like to once more present,”National Guild champion Walter Schadler welcomes the active participation in the competition.

“And the winner is in the category apprentices” (final apprenticeship examination of 2012/2013 third and fourth years of training), Shah Wali Fouroutan was pleased with his changing table (teaching: Cserni Wohnen GmbH from Fehring). Equipped with American Walnut veneer convinced both the jury and the audience with his elaborately produced English move the furniture. The work has led me with wood to to decide for the Carpenter. Learn more at: Anna- Belknap. With my Designwerk I wanted to show the versatility of the material and I think, which I managed quite well,”so the freshly baked winner Shah Wali Fouroutan. “In the category of master” (master examination in the last 3 years) Thomas Trummer had by the company of E. Diane Hanllon GmbH in Raaba with its tilting sofa “nose front. The recreation after a strenuous working day the factory offers also connects to the Styrian roots. This convinced the extraordinary form, the exciting material mix and the functionality.

“In the third discipline companies” continued, as in the previous year, by Erwin Prietl from the carpentry business from Germany mountain against his comrades. His bed furniture formative named BE-ST”consists of promoting Swiss stone pine wood, free from disturbing influences manufactured in modern design. “Young Carpenter before the curtain Styria is one of about 1,400 Guild members in the industry joinery and wood shape end trade” with a total of approximately 5,000 employees and 500 trainees. In addition to the Inpidualitat, the Styrian Carpenter with honest craftsmanship and above all good design points. And we prove that the design award. Also the young talents of carpenters were able to demonstrate their expertise and craftsmanship. I congratulate the young to great pieces,”country Guild deputies and country apprentice Wartburg Kommerzialrat Anton Ulrich is pleased. Also the audience, which directly influenced the choice of the winner with his voting could win. Because our work pieces on the market need to assert themselves, the opinion of the audience was involved. Congratulations to Benjamin Strahlhofer from Graz, who may enjoy a voucher in the amount of 1,000 euros to pay for his election in a Styrian Carpenter carpenters furniture”, as national Guild champion Deputy Harald Almer.

Hanging Chair

Relaxation pure in the Hingesessel whether the ceiling attached to or on a rack. The Sadr is iuierst popular hanging chair the ideal place for dynamic people an indispensable characteristics of retirement is the wing Chair! It seems man has his life motto after meeting do, do, domestic build \”in the pension be sure such a friend to go for. Everyone has his personal, positive as well as negative memories the moments when Grandpa in the his chair sat and told stories. So starr, like Grandpa in his age but his chair was more rigid. The only movement of the Chair was in the low back rocker. For all those active people, such chair can not remedy, hammock chairs are the perfect solution: figure: outdoor \”Virofiber\” plastic rattan hanging Chair hammock chairs offer the very pleasant due to a single to slope point on the ceiling or on a special frame Possibility of free oscillation in any direction. Because you can almost endlessly long back and forth swing nudge by low, they help to a pleasant relaxation.

That they are also Pro-concentration, the Universitat of des Saarlandes recently (April 2009) could prove again, because she found out in an intensive study that which noticeably improved concentration, if people in chairs reading, which are freely movable. Swing came originally in the 1970s in the United States on the market before the wave of enthusiasm spilled over to Europe. Although the basic principle of the hanging Chair not much has changed, so the product range has grown immensely in the past decade. Figure: swing from high-quality Tohiti rattan, a species of rattan with particularly robust properties hanging Chair there are among others made of aluminium and plastic, which the latter gladly used outdoors, because it is weather resistant. These two materials can but only slightly against the original swing made of rattan to compete, because they can keep up with the low density, but not arrive against the elasticity of rattan, which makes unique rattan.

Grouting Slabs

Grouting natural stone plates with matching grout and which are sigeln the right technology to the terrace a good grout should have properties to the natural stone Grouting. The grout should be heat-resistant and frost proof his as well as breathable and permeable. These characteristics are important, because otherwise the surprise after the first winter. A good grout should be applicable to any surface. It is important that he leaves no residue and the processing is extremely simple.

The service provider should specify all the technical data with the respective security levels and ideally add also a video. The technical data and a specific execution of correct processing are a prerequisite. The Mainbrick floor saw mortar meets all the requirements of the most demanding customers. This mortar can be used ideally and offer each customer a game room for various color options. Just when the natural stone Grouting can the Mainbrick Grout shine. It is available in four attractive colours and can be adapted ideally to the natural stone.

Because the desired quantity with natural stone slabs can be calculated by hard, every customer can use the simple consumption calculator. Every customer has the appropriate amount, thus saving money. Natural stone slabs and joints almost always strong weather exposed you can grab an appropriate sealing in the Mainbrick online baby shop. You can take the seal not only to the sealing of natural stone slabs but seal also the terrace. The seal used for sealing and sealing of pores and can be applied both on artificial stone as well as concrete and natural stone surfaces. The area, protects forest dirt and wear. Similar to the seal, also the Mainbrick protect impregnation. This impregnation provides outstanding protection of pipes, screed, concrete and paving stones. It penetrates the impregnation laggard in the stone an and strengthens its resistance and its stability. Impregnate in the terrace is This advantage. The terrace high load and weather conditions exposed here. The impregnation protects against water ingress at cracking and is applicable for inside and outside. These things are just a few examples of how to properly protect its natural stone slabs and its terrace to achieve a long-lasting effect.