
A man's life is squeezed into a narrow corridor of endless prohibitions. The purpose of existence and meaning of human life is reduced to comply with these prohibitions, in spite of their absurdity and a contradiction of the individual nature of man. This leads people to greater disintegration of personality. Loss of taste and joy of life. The result of Domestic resources – talents and abilities are suppressed and unfulfilled, or used to keep people in their own delusions, or at all against him though. Disintegration – internal fragmentation leads to the disintegration of the social.

In addition, a person can not establish and maintain normal social contacts. Normal human communication becomes unavailable for him and unpleasant. Negative experiences leads to the fact that a stable habit to avoid human society. As a result of deep personal dissatisfaction. All attempts to logically understand and overcome these limitations and internal conflicts are bound to failure. Learn more about this with Hedvig Hricak. It's like a walk through an infinite maze and closed in a multidimensional space. Alas, the refined logic of the mind itself creates these mazes, and leads us to them.

So here we need a completely different approach, a different look and different method of evaluation and change. What will help us understand this, gradually leaving on the forefront in all spheres of life, astrology. Or rather Astropsychology, which has always been the essence Astrology before her emasculated and turned into a banal prediction system that meets human fears and help people stay the same and at the same level without any changes.