Aloe Vera An Effective Remedy Against Acne

First and foremost it should be clear that the acne is not contagious. However it is the most common skin condition and it may affect 80% of the population. It is caused by the excess of segregation of fat by the sebaceous glands. Occurs mostly in young people from 11 to 30 years and there are many factors that cause it: hereditary factors, poor diet (especially by the intake of fatty foods), blockages in the pilosebaceous channel, hormonal changes (prolific espeialmentre in the beginning of adolescence), bacteria do not it is easy to cure acne, however, however, treated in time and in an appropriate way we can combat outbreaks and achieve not to leave marks. Doing so is essential to tackle it since its first outbreaks, follow these two basic tips help us prevent it: 1) maintain good hygiene in the areas more prone to suffer from acne (face and back), as acne tends to be extended due to a bacterial infection that goes from marks to others if we do not maintain the area affected well clean.

And (2) take care of food and limit their intake of foods high in fat (chocolate, sausages, dairy products, refined flour). No acne without fat. The excess production of grease from our glands usually accompany the vast majority of processes acneicos, unfortunately, in the age of puberty are activated all the hormones, also Sebaceous responsible for producing fat. This process has increased incidence in males, because it is associated with male hormones (androginas), hence, acne to Prime more in men than in women. The most visible symptom of acne are blackheads feared. They occur by the accumulation of taped to the skin cells, Sebaceous Gland view obstructed its natural outlet to the outside and such interruption produces a small clot that you top pimple. This alteration can submit two forms: a grain of white head, when not to be associated with hair follicle, and another black head or open pimple when associated to a hair follicle. Not good treated pimples they can be placed, derive in pustules or infected, due mainly to the effect of the bacteria, which as we have said they proliferate without control when the segregation of sebum increases.

How to treat acne with aloe vera? Aloe, has bacterial properties and astringents (regulators of fat) that make it ideal for treating acne. However requires a treatment effective and constant, because it is a very rebellious condition and often resprouts after controlled. To combat acne it is essential to attack the ailment from two fronts: 1) of internal form with aloe juice, whose power depurative and regulatory agency will lower fat levels segregated by the sebaceous glands, and 2) from the outside, on the one hand seeking to liberate the area of impurities and cleaning it in depth, to which we will implement a SOAP aloe vera and a tonic anti-acne, and on the other hand by applying a gel of aloe with a wealth of 95%, with it we will get dry grain, thanks to its astringent quality, and on the other hand avoid that you flora bacterial proliferate and spread to other nearby areas. Pedro Sanchez Torrente more information about aloe vera and its cosmetic and therapeutic applications in: original author and source of the article