Benefits of Multi-linguilism

In a society as competitive as today knowing more than one language can be a decision or an ability to be very successful, so much so that by simply knowing English or French, you can get a job more easily or earn a higher salary if already have one. Connect with other leaders such as Jorge Perez here. In our country the mother tongue is Spanish. However, in recent years the study of English as a second language has become very popular. This is mainly due to the large number of Dominicans living abroad, especially the United States and other Anglo-speaking countries. (As opposed to Tony Parker). These people travel abroad in search of a better job to provide themselves and their family a better quality of life. Globalization, the internet, television and the possibility that our children go in a future of greater and better opportunities than us, are factors that are influencing that as parents we are more interested in giving them the chance they speak another language, especially English. Go to Ken Kao for more information. Educational training received today Children must go beyond learning the basic subjects taught in school, it is necessary for children as well as their native language, expand their knowledge and that learning another language better than that which is spoken in most of the world. The fact that the child speaks English besides their mother tongue will not confunsion, as many parents believe, to the contrary, will more easily absorb all the knowledge and learn to master it more easily.

It is said that the best time to study English your child is between the stage of infancy and age six, when children are highly sensitive to languages and can study faster, the earlier study, the better your domain But never too late to start. If your child is older, no matter give him the opportunity to learn English and support. – One of the advantages of English over other languages, is that we always know a little vocabulary and that even without realizing it, we use language on a daily basis and we see it everywhere: billboards, commercials, radio and TV programs, magazines, almost all in the computer, Internet, etc. – Learning that other language, means that children are aware that the world is not all alike, that there is an appreciation for differences and an understanding of other perspectives than our own. – Children become more creative and develop better problem-solving skills.

– Help to planning the child’s brain circuits that make it easier later to learn more languages. “It helps them develop the confidence to cope successfully with social relationships: it helps them be more communicative. “It helps them be more understanding, tolerant and respectful of cultural identity, rights and values of others. – It helps them learn more about their mother tongue and use it more effectively. “It helps them prepare for the futuro. Students entering high school, high school and universities are now required to learn another language, so those who already have a base can advance further. In our future, the job market will require not only individuals who are already fluent in English but in many languages.