Business Educataion

For people involved in business education in finance and accounting has long ceased to be a luxury. Now it is rather grim necessity. On the development of accounting and financial management in higher school need to spend years and work and make decisions necessary now. Moreover, in the opinion of the students themselves, what is taught in high schools, is far behind the reality of business. You can take courses on accelerated program, but who vouch for the value received information there? Besides, and this training takes time, which is already not enough. Where is the exit from this situation? Of course, you can not learn complex science, and type in the state of a qualified accountant, financier, economist, but how to check that they will conduct business honestly and if not for the upper class, at least in good faith? Again, solutions can be different: For example, to engage independent auditors and based on their findings to draw conclusions. But this solution is not to everyone's pocket. Audit services are, depending on the complexity of the work, from 20 to 70, and even more dollars per hour. Without hesitation Eva Andersson-Dubin explained all about the problem.

Selective checking a small firm with a staff of 10 persons and an annual turnover of 15 million rubles will cost 3-4 thousand dollars. Even large companies that can afford to hire expensive accountants and auditors, the head of is not always possible to keep abreast of their financial flows. Once one of the authors witnessed a case where a subordinate with pride Having reported to the founder of the well-known trademark, that "fashion show in gum running! ". .