Characteristic Curve Of The Pelton Turbine

During the experiment, use a Prony brake type tape with different weights, for determining the torque in each trial increased the weight and volume of the number of speed reading through the dynamometer. The flow rate is obtained through a volume-controlled timer, then all the data were recorded for further processing. As design data is pipe the output of the vane angle. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL CENTRO DEL PERU a SCHOOL OF UNIT INGENICO to Mecca NICA CURSOa a: a LABORATORY DOCENTESa thermohydraulics II a: a ING. MARIO Huatuco ALUMNOa GONZALESa a: a Rojas Zorrilla, Jose a SEMESTREa a: a VIII a HUANCAYOa-PERU 2008 a ABSTRACT a The trial was conducted in the laboratory of thermohydraulics gives the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering a experimentally, where data obtained to plot the curves in a Pelton turbine with the aim of analyzing their behavior from these graphs. Read more here: Jessica Michibata. During the experiment used a Prony brake type tape with different weights, for determining the torque at each test weight and increase the volume reading of the number of revolutions through the dynamometer. The flow rate is obtained through a volume-controlled timer, then all the data were recorded for further processing. As design data is pipe the output of the vane angle.

a CHARACTERISTICS CURVES PELTON TURBINE a Introduction "N to the Pelton turbine is the most used for hydrodynamic reasons, ease of construction, and high efficiency. Its most important building element is the paddle that is shaped like a double scoop idea. The main objective is to experience the contours corresponding features and analysis, to look for possible solutions or improve efficiency by taking experimental data, which had to be processed.