Children Time

The small that go to day care or nursery school now enjoy free days. And it is time to take the vacation time with children, at his side, enjoying as never the mutual company. It is time to be more flexible and put our full attention centered but not centered on the obligations, social and family commitments or to review things that touches them learn or get. Our children ask us the best gift that you can receive, our attention focused on them. It’s time to devote to the game, free, intense, without rigidities. Game in which children make us go back to our childhood. To the pure fun, the jump on beds, lift us up late, breakfast churros and chocolate, watch movies sitting on the couch beside her, embrace us without reason, remove toys and not worry if they stay in the middle of the living room. Time of walk in the park that staining of mud, run and forget the schedules.

And learn, of course, has its place also on vacation, especially if we can also the parents enjoy them. They will learn painting with us, walking in the forest or in the mountains, playing on the shore of the sea, enjoying that I read them stories or watching a museum or a game reserve. Listening to us telling family stories, assembling the crib and the tree and even reveling in a special meal in the company of people who love them. Forget scolding, rush, schedules and rigidity. Take advantage of the holidays with children. It is a wonderful time and the best gift in the world for them. Original author and source of the article