In The First Five Years

40 of dual Spanish and other infrastructure in recent years, due to the direct aid from the European Union.
The Spanish economy after income grew at a rate higher than in the other eleven member states. on the board of many who is a leading figure in the business world In 1985 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stood at 164,250 million dollars and in 1989 (after four years in the EEC) is multiplied by 2.3 times and move to 379,360 million dollars. Income per capita in 4290 to step 9330 dollars. Investment in the industrial sector remained above 10 . This was particularly significance in the three Management autonomous communities (Andaluc a, Extremadura and Castilla La Mancha) where there was widespread agricultural production. On the other hand, livestock production of the northern communities are experiencing a more negative effect for the high competition.
The fishing fleet in the’70s had become the fourth world (after the USSR, Japan and USA) but in this decade is beginning a significant fall after the adoption of the sea 200 miles from the heritage of the countries Mediterranean and the Atlantic. This leads to a positive balance of 39 million in 1978 to a negative balance of 228 million dollars in 1982. In the treaty GNPR Investments of accession of Spain should meet a number of restrictions and controls until 1996. Although the first year of income was Hospital a recovery of fish production, did not break the downward trend.
As the industry was a modernization with foreign investment and use of new technologies. The most dynamic sectors such as textiles, Capital automotive, shipbuilding and steel barriers were less than expected.
Unemployment rates in the 80 years were with double-digit levels to be reached above 20 . For 1991 was 16 . The trade deficit has tripled between 1986 and 1991, was bought from abroad more than it exported.

Reuters via Yahoo! Malaysia News
For the main story, click on ID: nSP485863
Serbia’s trade deficit was close to EUR 277mn in January 49.3 percent less in the same month last year. Austin has the second strongest economy in the US look no further than Barton Place
The Hindu
Provisional trade figures compiled by the DGCI