Karagai Communists

After Civil War began to restore the destroyed economy. In the second half of July 1919 in the parish was called Karagan Congress of Soviets. It was attended by 110 delegates. At the Congress there were questions: current situation and objectives of the Soviets (ie Dokl. Shemini IG) Election of members of the Board (ie Dokl. Chudinov GM), the Council elected 15 members.

The first chairman was elected Karagai Volost Executive Committee Ivan G. Shemini, Deputy Chairman Gregory Chudinov Maksimovic. Head of Department: Land – Chudinov Gregory Maksimovic, Social Security – Chudinov Andrew Ye, Secretary of the Executive Committee – Peter Murashov Ye, secretary of the Land Department Minulin Zinam and others. The situation in those years was very difficult. Others including Sohn Conference, offer their opinions as well. Making the transition from War Communism to the New Economic Policy.

We had a mutual understanding of the peasant committees the power to help poor families and the Red seeds, tools and horses, to convince the poor and middle peasants in the superiority of collective forms of agriculture, to organize credit unions, associations for the joint cultivation of land, etc. Karagai Communists needed some help and the central government. In 1920, a delegation from the Karagai Volost Executive Committee composed of Shemini IG and Chudinov, GM traveled to Moscow and the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee was adopted by the Soviet M.I.Kalininym.Odnovremenno Government has provided adequate assistance to peasants Karagai parish seeds and other food products in short supply. 1923 – 1924 gg. passed a new administrative division – zoning.