Pizza Restaurant

Restaurant Italiano & Pizzeria Pulcinella Mazagon history the history of the restaurant Pulcinella Mazagon, was forged there by the 1960s, when Danielle Zinco came to Huelva from his native Italy, and was captivated in this wonderful province. Already then he was a reputed chef in their country of origin, where he managed various activities related to the hospitality industry. Here he met his wife and took root, so it proposed to open an Italian restaurant, to be able to focus all his gastronomic knowledge in the costa de la luz Huelva. For many years, the family has been directly linked in the management of this great restaurant, which without a doubt, has been gaining its good reputation, after many years of excellent service, in the coastal town of Mazagon today the baton passes to mamos of his son Danielle S. Zinco, who is committed to maintaining the quality and the prestige earned by his fatheralong with a deep and constant renewal, which will make the restaurant Pulcinella Mazagon, a new benchmark in the kitchen of quality of our province. New original Mercedes for Jeep Patriot engine Autofacil comes the feast stride! Stride: things of mine nuova resistenza Cade nella vasca di zinco liquid serious operaio dell Ilva di Taranto Bari thesaurus sull Ossido di Zinco topical: I – thanks to you for ruining for many years The confidential Leon elsoplon.NET