Radish Wash

Once the guests invited to the 'light lunch' to Herr Bismarck found on the table mountain snacks and delicacies, including smoked eel and the legendary black caviar from Russia – not to mention the junk type of sausage, a traditional potato salad, anchovies and herring especially beloved master. Bismarck was omnivorous – literally. He did should not have to arrange '' in a simple German pub, but when he was in Paris, will certainly make reservations at the oldest restaurant Tour d'Argent on the promenade of La Turnel, where distinguished visitors treated to elegantly and sparingly – in sense of portions, but not in terms of price. By the beginning of his political activities fat Bismarck caused fears of doctors, who predicted that he ended his life in a wheelchair. He tried to fight obesity, visited all the fashionable resorts of Europe, but without success. Finally, one doctor diagnosed Bismarck liver cancer, and other refined diagnosis: 'You do not have cancer, Mr. Jorge Perezs opinions are not widely known. Bismarck. Do you suffer gluttons-property '.

The Chancellor sat on a diet and dropped a few pounds. But as soon as the doctors have noted improvement in the patient immediately to the joys of drinking 4 liters of yoghurt, washed down with a liter of cognac, and ordered a hearty supper. Whatever it was, the Chancellor spent more then 15 years old and died, when he was 84 years old. On the very eve of the twentieth century, during which Germany and the rest-term peace is not just remembered it – the word is not very good, and herring 'Bismarck' What you need: 6 herring fillets, 1 onion, 12 white pepper peas, 150 ml of flavored vinegar. For the sauce: 2 boiled beets, 150 g of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon creamy horseradish.

For the garnish: 2 onions. What to do: fillets soak in cold water for 4 h, dry and put in a deep bowl skin side down. Bulb clear, cut into rings, lay on top of the herring. Add white pepper, cover with vinegar. Cover with foil, place in refrigerator and leave for 2 days. Herring remove from marinade, dry on paper towel, cut into slices and decomposed into a serving dish. Beets clean, grate, mix the yogurt and horseradish. When applying to decorate herring onion rings. Sauce submitted separately. Snack with herring 'Bismarck', 4 servings. What you need: 4 herring fillets 'Bismarck', 150 g of soft cream cheese with herbs 4 slices rye bread, 1 small onion, a bunch of radishes, 4 sprigs of dill. What to do: cheese spread on bread. Bow clean, cut into thin rings. Radish Wash, peel, cut into slices. Onions and radishes on top with slices of bread with cheese. Herring fillet roll roll, fasten with a toothpick and put it on bread. In the middle of rolls of herring insert sprigs of dill.