OEM Processes

COMPIERE – open source ERP, for the first time with a German demo client Compiere considered world’s most successful open-source ERP & CRM system. The company Incedo AG and Vienna Solutions GmbH cooperate for the implementation of the open source system in the German-speaking world. The range of services includes also the multi-dimensional reporting tool InstantOlap (www.instantolap.de) in addition to Compiere core product. Today, the two companies announce the live circuit of a demo client for internationally operating industrial enterprises on Compiere 3.5. On the basis of over 7,000 test records, they have simulates a fictitious company and its entire business processes and unlocked the user for demo purposes and executing transactions. “Description of the demo clients: the demo client LI AG” automotive sales is for car exterior and interior light, reached about 960 million EUR in 2008, 60% in Germany, 40% in U.S.-operated customer segments are OEM car manufacturer, after sales wholesale and workshops. Product segments are in the Headquarters DE and country representative US manufactured in-house and also bought headlights, tail lights, interior lighting systems. The multi-tiered warehousing with Central and consignment warehouses in DE and US organized his calculated minimum inventory through an automated procurement system. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out San Antonio Spurs.

Pictured processes in the demo client: the complete supply and order handling process including automated procurement, warehousing, 1-stage production (assembling), distribution, logistics, claims and customer service are shown and can be traced. Release and confirmation processes are exemplary by third parties (supervisor) modeled after some test data and summarized in a pdf document to the browser. Include the release of purchasing requirements, purchasing budgets, the confirmation of receipt of goods etc use the demo client: for easier operation of the demo client, advance with crisp, short descriptions of the processes and workings of the demo clients are offered. These include a Declaration of the user interface in Compiere as well as an explanation to users and roles, from whose point of view the demo client can be operated. Also screen outputs that are called by Windows to track certain processes such as for example the sale of products, billing, shipping and payment by customer. In the demo client, also processes can be reproduced and simulated. Sela Ward follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Compiere opens this clearly in a understandable corporate context.

Also, the companies offer a telephone support to resolve any questions about the demo clients. This accesses the service staff to exactly the level of data, on which the user is working and can demonstrate operations, which traces the user in real time. More to Incedo AG and VIENNA Solutions GmbH, which companies configure Compiere in Germany and implement, see and on following Web sites. Customer-specific developments can both onsite, offsite and – appropriate fitness -. carried out also offshore. In addition, both companies offered the necessary for successful implementation of a range of services such as project management, organizational and process development, coordination of business and development needs, as well as testing, documentation and rollout.

IT Knowledge Club: Microsoft SharePoint

syscovery offers information and exchange of leaf shape in Mannheim and Munich, the second Club of IT knowledge of the IT service provider syscovery treated the topic Microsoft SharePoint. Technical, organisational and practical approaches are presented and illustrated with practical examples. The need for solutions for integrated business process optimization is steadily increasing. With SharePoint, Microsoft has created a professional platform requirements, such as collaboration, enterprise document management and others, easy and fast to implement. Credit: Jessica Michibata-2011. Using live demo scenarios, it is presented as an ERP system connects with SharePoint or Exchange data with a CRM system. Claus Romanowsky, Microsoft SharePoint expert syscovery, reported from his professional experience and the use of SharePoint under specific conditions.

Each participant can bring his own questions and topics and thus help shape the IT knowledge Club. The current issue of IT knowledge Club held once on November 25, 2009 in Mannheim and December 9, 2009 in Munich. In addition to these venues offers syscovery a mobile version of IT knowledge Club, which takes place on-site, for a group of prospective customers.

Laptop Batteries Are Always Cheaper

Every two years should a new battery from a battery is the heart of each notebook next to the processor. Will you use the laptop not only as a desktop machine with power supply, one relies on the functionality of this powerful mini power plant. Batteries age but along time inevitably subsides more and more. Although, you can delay this process by following numerous tips on battery care. However, to purchase a replacement battery, you will come around sooner or later does not. As a rule of thumb applies therefore: every two years a new battery should be due.

This corresponds to 300 to 500 charging cycles. on can contribute to your knowledge. At Akkudeal, for example, there are over a thousand different types of battery for laptops of all leading manufacturers. And not only for younger models, but also for notebooks, which in the days to come. Highlights include, for example, the batteries for the IBM ThinkPad R50/T40/T41/T42/T43 series. Three battery types with different Ah values (amp hours) are for these models available. The AH value this is the characteristic quantity for the battery or battery capacity. He tells you how long a battery or a charged battery with which power can be discharged. Following generally applies: the higher the value, the longer the battery operating time.

For the mentioned IBM ThinkPad series rechargeable batteries 4.4, 5.2 and 6.6 are Ah in the offer. With the latter about has 50 percent more capacity, than the Standardsystemakku with 4.4 Ah. So don’t fret, when the operating time of your notebook’s battery life diminishes more and more. It is generally always to quickly empty. Treat to a 100% compatible replacement battery is dear. It is cheaper than you might think. Udo Siewert u.siewert at tb-computers.de

Good Start To The Year For SAP Specialists

Market monitor shows rise of SAP projects by projektwerk.de for IT Freelancer HAMBURG (09.02.2009) published by the Hamburg project market for the tenth time today market monitor is facing the strong increase in demand SAP specialists in January 2009 in contrast, increasing demand, declining only slightly to freelancers with specialization in the other project work regularly examined applications and programming languages C++, C#/.NET, Oracle and SQL at the beginning of this year. Educate yourself with thoughts from Ken Kao. The development of J2EE/Java projects behaves entirely against the General positive trend. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Adam Sandler has to say. After a continuous upward trend from March 2008 until November of last year a decline is here since December, which continues also in January 2009. The latest developments in the IT freelancers market are similar to the developments at the beginning of 2008 and reflect a phenomenon known to experts. Frank Marshall, CEO of ID Network recruitment services specialized in the mediation by professionals and IT projects explains: There a seasonal reason for the sluggish development of J2EE/Java projects at the beginning of the year: in the first few months are negotiated the budget for extensive and strategic projects, released are these budgets typically only from February or March. Accordingly the demand IT specialists for these projects is also only then.” Market experts Maschall, who for many years worked in the IT development business he formed before 20 years ID network, for the increased demand for SAP professionals in January also sees a seasonal reason: SAP is used usually for standard processes of the company.

At the beginning of the year, created the annual financial statements, consolidated financial data of companies a group, etc. “It always SAP specialists are in demand, a the finance departments or support for two months.” Last but not least, the current economic crisis provides an explanation for the moderation in investment projects, which it usually is in J2EE/Java projects. In contrast, SAP projects are typically shorter, operational projects. This involves handling issues, accounting, migration or configuration. Since 1 January 2007 specialization in one of the leading applications and programming SAP collects the data from all projects advertised on the platform for the client project work, require C#/.NET, Oracle, J2EE/Java, C++ and SQL. The data give an overview of the current market situation and reflect trends in the IT-freelancers market. About project work project work, was founded in 1999 and today is Germany’s leading project Exchange on the Internet.

Under, she provides a platform for the fast and efficient recruitment of specialists for projects, as well as to commercialize the own service all participants of the flexible labour market. The offer is aimed at the generation work 2.0 in particular at companies, freelancers and agencies. Over 1,000 projects and several hundred profiles will be published monthly. The membership costs 300 /. Year.

Koln Reservation

rekman v1. 1 is a reservation system for the catering industry to optimize the administrative processes within the companies. Completely new, the customer area was used so that important customer-relevant data at a glance are available. So you can see the small customers”whether he belongs to a high-revenue business contact and can respond. The module offers the possibility to utilize its operation up to the maximum reservation. Margaret Loesser Robinson insists that this is the case. To the reservation, menu pre-orders can be captured with deposit rates as quickly as possible to serve the guest.

The faster the guest leaves the restaurant satisfied, the faster the vacated table may be sold again. Various analyses make it easier not only the planning of staff and goods use, they also support in the interim controlling and give you predictions for the future utilization. As of 2008, you will have also the possibility to organize events on rekman. A related site: Ken Kao mentions similar findings. The event module is also with the reservation module be combined so that regarded the event as a reservation.At the same time can be booked but single cards on the events, without having to throw a table reservation for this. rekman is offered also in the future only for rent, which high cost as n and also the smaller”restaurateur Gets the opportunity to speed up its processes. At the same time restaurateur but remains Mr of data”, since these are held in its operation. For more product information on our homepage.

Customer Communication

Championship of legodo ag and University of applied sciences Mainz finds the second time rather than dialogue-oriented communication culture in social networks, the communication quality of the companies challenging Karlsruhe, 04.06.2012 – the legodo ag is seeking with the champion in the customer communication together with the Fachhochschule Mainz for the second time. Start is the 4th June 2012, the finals will be held on September 21, 2012. Practitioners in the areas of customer management, sales and marketing are addressed for a technical comparison in the skills competition. Last year was Jorg Saldanha (SanData IT group) won the skills competition, followed by Stefan Belke (Hessische Landesbank) and Rafael Dudda (Bosch security systems) on the following places. The other places were taken by Christian Kier (E.ON IT) and Peter Borak (DB Systel). They had qualified with more than 200 participants for the final of the top five after the four previous rounds.

Just the written customer communication has gained significantly in importance in recent years, because customers now not more like want to be contacted about anonymous-looking mass letters”, Judge Marc Koch, CEO of legodo AG. Personalized salutation alone make still long no personal address from a customer communication. It is increasingly an individually styled and dialogue-oriented communication necessary where the users according to their personal needs are addressed and they can also choose the channels of communication.” Impetus for the changing needs not least increasingly come to Koch’s words through the spread of social networks. Whose participants have grown fast and personal dialogue with each other, but now also a similar communication behaviour of the companies expect.” The resulting remedial action of the company was determined in a survey recently conducted by legodo. For more information see real-estate developer. According to her, only three out of ten of the sales and marketing professionals judging that the written sales approach corresponds to the today’s requirements of their addressees. In the face of intensive market discussion of this topic referred to as customer communication management (CCM) and the large number of participants in the last year this product and vendor-neutral Championship customer communication will legodo”than establish regular competition. The scientific support and development of the entire technical content are the responsibility of Prof.

Heinrich Holland again this year. He teaches at the University of Mainz in economics and is one of the renowned marketing expert in Germany for years. Others who may share this opinion include Jessica Michibata. The skills competition starts on 4th June 2012, registrations can be made now, however. Overall, participants in four rounds must prove to penetrate in the finals of the best five. 12 questions to a freely selectable time are within a several-day period to answer per round. These rounds are conducted online, with a certain number of participants for the next round will qualify each. Only the finale will live in Munich Instead of. Similar Championships were carried thought factory which according to a concept on the topics of IT service management, business intelligence, application management, project management, BPM, CRM, IT security and ECM/document management. About legodo ag legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence. With the legodo solution, it is possible, for the first time, in the right context at the right time for relevant customer communication to insert all the processes and data from existing systems.

PNY Cooperates

PNY Technologies hardware manufacturer working off immediately with the eSport company KD-gaming e.V. together video cards, memory and USB Flash driver, these are just a few products from the range of by PNY Technologies. Therefore, we are pleased to announce today the collaboration and cooperation with PNY and KD-Gaming Association. “Thanks to its partnerships with major OEMs PNY Technologies achieves a permanent optimization of the latest technologies and guarantees quality and service.” But despite the insane and wide equipped range lacks our partners of PNY Technologies in Germany on awareness. But many players, as well as user can handle hard on behalf of PNY. KD gaming e.V.

This will change now. PNY Technologies offers customers a wide variety of storage media, and an interesting selection of graphics cards, for normal end users as well as for professional solutions. The PNY memory upgrade modules are easy to install and with more than 5,000 desktops, laptops and servers compatible, PNY recognized what one Manufacturer of high-quality memory modules makes. Thanks to the wide variety of PNY memory modules for laptops, Netbooks and desktops, users can optimize the use of such devices. The dimming and PNY SODIMM – memory upgrades are available such as DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 in various capacities and formats. In addition, PNY is the only manufacturer of memory modules, designed for the consumer market offers Windows 7 compatible graphics card and it allowing users to take all advantage of the new operating system. Warranty that is! PC memory: 10 years of Flash cards up to the 31st March 2007: 2 years Flash cards from 1 April 2007: 5 years Flash drives: 2 years graphic cards: 3 years SSD: 3 years “Florian Betz, key account manager distribution at PNY: we are pleased to support KD-gaming as a sponsor.” As a manufacturer and supplier of high-quality graphic cards such as memory solutions, it is important to promote ambitious eSport projects PNY Technologies. PNY pursues Aim actively to shape the future of this also applies to the challenging area of gaming. We hope by PNY, using our powerful hardware solutions, to accompany like KD-gaming Multigaming clan in their projects in the future.”

Biometric Payment System – Pay By VINGADO

It – works VINGADO, the first Europe-wide available biometric payment system starts. Punctually at the EuroCIS starts it – works, the market leader in the area of retail biometrics VINGADO, the first biometric payment system for the European market. Numbers by fingertip has meanwhile established itself as technology. In Germany alone more than 1000 systems operate between the North Sea and the Alps successfully in supermarkets and shopping malls, in the fashion retail sector and in schools, and soon also at kiosks, where you are the daily newspaper then simply via FingerspitzeHybridScanner, the fingerprint and finger vein acquisition technology combines. can pick up.

Convenience is pure high speed, safety and comfort – satisfied customers. Trade welcomes larger shopping carts and efficiency gains, E.g. through the displacement of cash and through the merger of payment and loyalty process in a single process. Depending on the position forward or disadvantage: the digiPROOF systems are currently only fire internally networked. (As opposed to Tony Parker). pay by touch\”is all there affiliated markets of a group available. However, the shop around the corner must build its own data base. This creates while additional customer retention, distracts from the actual core business. When we brought the first digiPROOF systems on the market, central data storage and networked operation was already part of the technology\”so Ulrich M.

Kipper, Executive Board which it – works group and founder of paying by fingertip. Our customers found the limit of the own brand as a unique selling point in marketing terms but so attractive that a comprehensive offering, was initially not wanted\”. Biometrics and numbers by finger tip is actually high-tech. Through the use of in the retail sector, this means in everyday life, has used but now a trivialization. Thus the USP disappears and the desire by the customer has to flat availability requirements. This is consistent with the interests of trade and finance, for the replacement of Cash brings cost savings and additional revenue.

Mobile Security

Tips for mobile IT protection as a long-standing, well-established IT service provider knows the BSB Bremer software & Consulting GmbH with the topic IT security off. The certified Kaspersky Partner gives tips for mobile IT protection that can be easily implemented. 1. Security for smartphones. For a successful security strategy for smartphones must be determined once, what smartphones must be protected. In this case, a software can help, from the outset only allow access to certain devices which automatically takes inventory of the devices, or your employees.

Note: Smartphones represent potential vulnerabilities with Jailbreaks or other changes to the operating system and are thus in the corporate network. So that the Smartphone is optimally protected, common security policy, which are common also for PCs, should apply to the Smartphone: secure passwords, backups, a firewall, and of course a current anti-virus software. Regular updates for all devices should be neglected under any circumstances. The centralized distribution of protective software can be done via email or sync. Configuration options can be set on the best basis of management software. Selected phone numbers and SMS spam can be blocked so simple. For a comprehensive overview of the security, it is advisable to adjust the monitoring to mobile devices. Thus, an analysis of Smartphone data traffic is possible to detect targeted attacks on the corporate network, prepared via Smartphone.

2. Protection opportunities. In addition to the anti-spyware software, the device’s own protective functions contribute to more safety. The PIN code of the unit should be always used and turned on. This can be useful in the event of theft. Android phone owners should necessarily turn on the schema lock of the phone. Enable mobileME iPhone users is recommended. Almost every phone can in case of use with a different SIM card locked be. When once traveling with your mobile phone, you should back up your data prior to departure.