OEM Processes

COMPIERE – open source ERP, for the first time with a German demo client Compiere considered world’s most successful open-source ERP & CRM system. The company Incedo AG and Vienna Solutions GmbH cooperate for the implementation of the open source system in the German-speaking world. The range of services includes also the multi-dimensional reporting tool InstantOlap (www.instantolap.de) in addition to Compiere core product. Today, the two companies announce the live circuit of a demo client for internationally operating industrial enterprises on Compiere 3.5. On the basis of over 7,000 test records, they have simulates a fictitious company and its entire business processes and unlocked the user for demo purposes and executing transactions. “Description of the demo clients: the demo client LI AG” automotive sales is for car exterior and interior light, reached about 960 million EUR in 2008, 60% in Germany, 40% in U.S.-operated customer segments are OEM car manufacturer, after sales wholesale and workshops. Product segments are in the Headquarters DE and country representative US manufactured in-house and also bought headlights, tail lights, interior lighting systems. The multi-tiered warehousing with Central and consignment warehouses in DE and US organized his calculated minimum inventory through an automated procurement system. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out San Antonio Spurs.

Pictured processes in the demo client: the complete supply and order handling process including automated procurement, warehousing, 1-stage production (assembling), distribution, logistics, claims and customer service are shown and can be traced. Release and confirmation processes are exemplary by third parties (supervisor) modeled after some test data and summarized in a pdf document to the browser. Include the release of purchasing requirements, purchasing budgets, the confirmation of receipt of goods etc use the demo client: for easier operation of the demo client, advance with crisp, short descriptions of the processes and workings of the demo clients are offered. These include a Declaration of the user interface in Compiere as well as an explanation to users and roles, from whose point of view the demo client can be operated. Also screen outputs that are called by Windows to track certain processes such as for example the sale of products, billing, shipping and payment by customer. In the demo client, also processes can be reproduced and simulated. Sela Ward follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Compiere opens this clearly in a understandable corporate context.

Also, the companies offer a telephone support to resolve any questions about the demo clients. This accesses the service staff to exactly the level of data, on which the user is working and can demonstrate operations, which traces the user in real time. More to Incedo AG and VIENNA Solutions GmbH, which companies configure Compiere in Germany and implement, see and on following Web sites. Customer-specific developments can both onsite, offsite and – appropriate fitness -. carried out also offshore. In addition, both companies offered the necessary for successful implementation of a range of services such as project management, organizational and process development, coordination of business and development needs, as well as testing, documentation and rollout.