Mark Weil

And I was not such a man, I do not know how to do this. It seemed to me, so they know how they have such a gift. Therefore, in this aspect was not even thinking. When he returned from the army and became a foreman at a construction site, parallel in the evening I led disco L. Pavel: Still there! You wanted to be in public! Demidov: Well, that track is really from another source. In my youth I was very fond of rock music. And when I returned from the army, I was drawn to be disc jockey, because it is connected with music.

A disco was in such matter how complex, where there was a theatrical studio. Enough is known Tashkent studio '', where the director was Mark Weil. And so I acquainted with the Tashkent different actors. And most important, at disco that I started to arrange all sorts of things: to play something, improvise all sorts of remarks and jokes. He felt that during these speeches, these dance arises like an aura, a kind of relationship between me and the audience. Additional information at movie star supports this article. And the most interesting things that we enjoy: and the audience enjoys what is happening and I enjoy. L.

Pavel: So you felt that you could manage the public, and do you like? Demidov: And what I like – this is absolutely accurate, yes. L. Pavel: And you realized that you want it to continue? Demidov: I realized that there is some force inside, and it can be mastered, it can be use in order to influence the public, to pass it on.

Poirot Film

So, about the film, or rather mini-series, filmed by Sergei Ursulyak. This adaptation of Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, who in his time very well received by readers and very bad – criticism. You have not read it? Well, then I will not explain what caused discontent respectable Gentlemen, smash the plot and style of the narrative, otherwise it will be interesting to read a book or watch a "failure" Poirot ". Screen adaptation, the question was done very close to the text, carefully observed all the intrigue and plot turns. Suspected, as usual, everything, including a butler, until the end of multiseries the film, at a loss: well, who, who killed Roger Ackroyd? And you know, this film – a wonderful example of what the serial format sometimes necessary for more complete immersion in a book and a maximum of detail. There is no sense of artificial lengthy narrative, and scenes from everyday life heroes are important for understanding their nature and creating the right atmosphere. I do not know whom to thank for it in the first place, the director or the actors who played great – probably all together. But about them a little later, and now, very briefly, to something inadvertently not permission or excuse, for the plot.

In the sleepy English village of King's Abbot, where nothing ever happens, almost in a row happen two terrible events. At first, driving his own life recently become widowed Mrs. Ferrars, and soon at more than mysteriously found the body of Roger Ackroyd. .