Mark Weil

And I was not such a man, I do not know how to do this. It seemed to me, so they know how they have such a gift. Therefore, in this aspect was not even thinking. When he returned from the army and became a foreman at a construction site, parallel in the evening I led disco L. Pavel: Still there! You wanted to be in public! Demidov: Well, that track is really from another source. In my youth I was very fond of rock music. And when I returned from the army, I was drawn to be disc jockey, because it is connected with music.

A disco was in such matter how complex, where there was a theatrical studio. Enough is known Tashkent studio '', where the director was Mark Weil. And so I acquainted with the Tashkent different actors. And most important, at disco that I started to arrange all sorts of things: to play something, improvise all sorts of remarks and jokes. He felt that during these speeches, these dance arises like an aura, a kind of relationship between me and the audience. Additional information at movie star supports this article. And the most interesting things that we enjoy: and the audience enjoys what is happening and I enjoy. L.

Pavel: So you felt that you could manage the public, and do you like? Demidov: And what I like – this is absolutely accurate, yes. L. Pavel: And you realized that you want it to continue? Demidov: I realized that there is some force inside, and it can be mastered, it can be use in order to influence the public, to pass it on.