UNIVERSE OF ALL ARTS RACES AND CREEDS NEO-SURREALIST MOVEMENT. The drowning. Till now only have to let me die. To the drowning. Trot galloping with the clenched fist. Galloping by what neither I not I hate nor my soul want to, want to escape out of the world. Shelter me in infinity. Where this is not happening.

And the soul opened in my inner struggle. Today I saw enough. Men who eat children. One aberration of the man. Para que valen my prayers or your prayers? For what? And because? I am here and there passages of the worldly life that overflow me. No longer is if I am a poet. A leading source for info: Ken Kao.

What I am sure is that I am a human being. I don’t want jewels of the drowning. I want neither to the arrangement. I don’t have time to breathe. I am a target. I ask time to avoid falling into the abyss. Trot of the Gallop with my arms open to the cry and my horse neigh. Green meadows of fresh pastures I want for my horse. I want pure and crystal clear clean water and for my pure soul. And for my worldly justice. Divine despite the narrow sky built. I’m still at the foot of the staircase of my shortness of breath. Text art-william. 12/01/08. Poetry of the Neo surrealist revolution. Neo surrealism art-william digital magazine founder. LETTERS AND CREATIVE FORMS.

Antioquia Colombia

We all dream of losing a couple of days or even a few hours in a spa we’d forget what we stressed with a massage, pleasurable and relaxing scents and beautiful and natural scenarios. Simon Pagenaud is often mentioned in discussions such as these. If you have planned to go to a spa soon, learn: Learn about spas, some novel treatments and, above all, what you must look to see if you’re in the hands of the right provider. Do and better still that to become a space to harmonize your partner do about a romantic spa? Special report: SPAS then find information about treatments in spa treatments, because we should indulge us in them as often as possible, and what would be the most appropriate for it. Review: Spas are designed with one main thing in mind and that is to benefit mind and body during targeted therapies. You will find spas that are targeted to a specific treatment such as mud baths, for example, or therapies for recovery of an existing medical condition.

However, all they work with our mind and body to get rid of stress and pains to rejuvenate us, relax and refresh ourselves. THE importance of the visits scheduled to the SPAS stress is the number one problem we face at some point in our lives, and can take a toll on us causing a number of other serious problems and / or disorders if they are not treated. Stress can be caused by heavy workload, problems financial and marriage, an existing medical condition, appearance, self-esteem, and/or relationships. Stress can affect your sleep, appetite pattern, attitude towards the others, humor, approach at work, or when to perform daily activities, which may have negative results in the long run. You’ll be surprised what you could do a couple of hours in the spa for your body and mind. The indicated treatment from the spa will help you clear your mind and get rid of stress calm your body and mind; In addition, you will find dealing with problems in a way best to find the best possible solutions.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a great program. It provides the necessary tools to those who want to start their business at home. As an affiliate, you work for another, but is rewarded for his work. The money you make is based on their individual work, not in hours or annual salary. A program for affiliates provides several incentives to work harder and more efficiently. Between harder and better is his work, more monetary success will see. The Affiliate Marketing also reduces the amount of risk.

Major companies handled the advertising and the creation of products, allowing you to move the product in the way that you think is best. One has to be cautious in the field of Affiliate Marketing. For every wonderful and legitimate opportunity, there are hundreds that are scams. The internet has facilitated the task these artists of deception. Before you begin to get involved in the field of affiliate programs, you must make some inquiries. A general rule is to never do business with anyone who does not have an address and a fixed phone number. If all of them offer you an email address, then look for another company. Doing business only through email is quite dangerous.

This provides these artists of deception ease to disappear and never hear from them again. Unfortunately, when they disappear, their money, their profits so does. If you find a company that you feel interested, then find out the costs start them. These should be minimal, if any. He asked if there was way to pay via your commissions per sale. Many are willing to do this. However, if the initial fee is very high, then find another company. To generate income online from your home, without having to sell your own product, just make Click here.

Royal Ballet Dancer

The prima ballerina of the Royal Ballet in London thinks on the exaggerations of the Oscar-winning film by Darren Aronofsky. It is an insult to pretend that someone can become first dancer in 12 months. It is impossible to achieve, says red on the protagonist. I was even impossible to see it whole, adds. Swan black, Darren Aronofsky, is back in the focus of the criticism. The first time was when the double of Natalie Portman in the film claimed that the actress had only made 5% of the sequences of dance of the film, which provided the Israeli his first Oscar. Now, the prima ballerina of the Royal Ballet of London, Tamara Rojo confesses in an interview with the British newspaper The Guardian that Black Swan not only seems a bad film, but it also contains all possible cliches, and in addition the negative cliches. Aronofsky film tells the story of Nina, an ambitious dancer who becomes the prima ballerina of the Ballet of New York and will make his debut on the stage with a new Assembly of the Swan Lake.

It is a psychological thriller where ambition, paranoia and perfectionism of the protagonist are mixed. For red, the dialogue of the film seems ridiculous, and stories that they develop little credible. I was even impossible to see it whole, was shameful, points out. I know that for some mothers who think of getting their children to ballet, it may be little encouraging, adds the Asturian dancer. Although we had over 200 people at the Opera House (famous theatre shows of London) watching us act motivated by the movie, long term we pay a price why. Exaggerations of the film when it comes to counting the exaggerations about the life of a dancer who portrays Swan black, red indicates that it is not so, if someone makes you work that way, it is better to resign because that is not the path to success. In his opinion, it would have been better that a dancer truly had done the casting of the film.

It is an insult to pretend that someone can become first dancer in 12 months. It is impossible to achieve, he says. About eating disorders afflicting the protagonist played by Portman, red says that people who have eating disorders can have some, but it would be interesting to know if it is the same percentage as the rest of the population, because I believe that it is. Royal Ballet of London source of the news: Tamara Rojo on Black Swan: “Is a film bad with all the possible negative cliches”


The myth had already been treated by others tragic as Phrynichus and expresses how King Admeto is saved by his wife Alcestis who agrees to die in his place and is finally wrested the death by Heracles, flocking both in a promising future. Euripides continues the myth but changes the interpretation of characters: Admetus, which should be noble and heroic, is cowardly and ridiculous, allowing his wife to die for him and pity for himself. In Medea (431) innovation of the ancient myth is greater. Tony Parker is likely to agree. Euripides creates a tragedy of great psychological strength which makes Medea murderer of their children for revenge on Jason’s infidelity. She who has deceived and killed by following him, against the wishes of his father, cannot accept the wedding of Jason with the daughter of the King of Corinth. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Jorge Perez. Through a ruse, a magician himself, kills the young betrothed with the gift of a haunted dress, deprived Jason of his love. Medea is finally wrested, and freed from the wrath of the Corinthians in the chariot of the Sun, an ancestor of yours.

In this work the author shows the antagonistic forces of the human soul: Medea struggle between his desire for revenge and love for their children. It is the heroine opposed to those of Sophocles and Aeschylus, because she is a woman driven by their passions, foreign and maga, which scandalized their fellow citizens. Culture gives us, the language of Euripides is similar to colloquial speech for various reasons: vocabulary extracted from the prose, use of colloquial stylistic figures of the Hyperbaton, or resource put into background what is going to happen with the prologue.


Siren that on a nudist beach, Monsignor had removed from the waters of the Bay of Biscay so that he could see the Supercup on TV from his home called me to mobile asking me to come to see her. I do not know who had given him my number or with what nasty purpose. Although average fish had not tried a woman, me escamaba. When the sirens sound, instead of tying me to the mast like Ulysses, I usually put me under the bed. But I went.

Lying on the couch in the living room, she seemed contrite and moved the uneasy tail. It told me everything. Hear from experts in the field like Related Group for a more varied view. Monsignor was not one strauss-kahn either. Has he had ported indecentemente well. Not a single dishonest insinuation. For its part, she told him a children’s story and he fell asleep on his lap. Although Monsignor disliked football and neither believed in God, to please their guest, who was a fan of the Real Mourinho, and after carefully ironed the folds of his cassock, decided to respond to a suggestion of Alfredo Di Stefano (brand, August 19) and went to ask the Pope to stop with their prayers insidious goals from Messi.

But his Holiness was busy giving warnings and prescriptions heavenly-blasting action, as if his Kingdom in this world. You even deigned to receive the self-sacrificing prelate, which, to make matters worse, he was constrained to share with Christian resignation the charanga of cheerful young Catholics gathered at the Bernabeu Stadium. The concert lasted long enough to ensure that, in the absence of the host, the mermaid in question put me in a serious commitment. Source of the news:: in love with siren


Games that stimulate fine motor skills Perler beads what are and how play? Games that require our full attention and precision stimulate concentration.Those who have to put something very specific stimulate fine motor skills. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Tony Parker. Brand of toys that stimulate concentration, fine motor skills and creativity, is to create 2 or 3 dimensional figures to melt wind, how is done? Wind colors are inserted into moulds to make designs, are iron (ironing must be done by an adult) and designs are hard and ready, molds and paper for ironing are reusable. Required to make designs: mold, wind and paper for ironing. Adam Sandler takes a slightly different approach. There are various levels of complexity and why it is so attractive to large and small. Level 1 for the smallest, the molds have a default figure, example bear, dog, flower, and children so to speak color inside of that figure. Level 2 for larger you can use a template’s geometrical shape (box, circle, Hexagon, heart) and draw in its interior design using an example (books of ideas) example: with heart mold can make butterflies, Christmas canes, with Hexagon mold can make an Ark of Noah, dinosaur, turtle, etc. with circle mould can cause a dolphin, Rainbow, etc.

Level 3 for larger, you can use a template of geometric shape (box, circle, Hexagon, heart) and draw the design in its interior some of your own imagination. Level 4. For seniors, you can use any template and make three-dimensional figures (replicas of artists, animals, vases, pens, boxes, etc.), using several figures ironed and join them with hot rubber, silicone, wire, etc.

Australian Matthew Goss

Mark Cavendish was underlined today’s date in the calendar and did not miss the appointment at the cycling world. This was, a priori, a favorite due to his great speed, that has led him to become one of the best sprinters in the world. During the race it became clear that the Isle of Man was everywhere. His team, headed by Chris Froome and Bradley Wiggins, second and third on the last lap, made a superb career, controlling even the smallest detail so that a massive influx in which nothing damaged, they knew, his Sprinter is almost unbeatable. Not failed Britain and neither did Cavendish who prevailed in a hard-fought sprint for Australian Matthew Goss and German Andre Greipel. Freire, who struggled to make with his fourth World Cup, had no choice and finished ninth. Two of his Squires, Luis Leon Sanchez and Vicent Reynes, went to the floor and could not protect him in the final, in which the Cantabrian eventually closed, away from the top positions. Source of the news:: Cavendish does not fail

Benito Zambrano

The actress of Cuban origin, for 23 years, has become famous for series such as El internado and Hispania. He also actor Marc Clotet, 32 year, just roda La voz dormida, under the orders of Benito Zambrano. The Cuban actress Ana de Armas, for 23 years, and also actor Marc Clotet, 32, married in the Costa Brava, as revealed this Wednesday the magazine Hello! The ceremony has been very intimate and family and there are no graphic testimonies of the same. Ana and Marc began their relationship about a year ago, and despite their youth, they have had very clear they wanted to pass by the altar. She has gained great popularity thanks to the series of El internado Hispania and he was made Professor in physics or chemistry, just shoot the film La voz dormida, by Benito Zambrano, which debuts in the fall. oject+Spurs+-+A+San+Antonio+Spurs+Blog+and+Podcast%29’>Spurs. In March of Rosy Rurun blog and announced that the wedding would be in July, taking advantage of the holidays of the two actors. Rosy then revealed that her boyfriend had been as objective to gain weight, after having had to lose weight for the filming with Zambrano. Ana was leaving hair grow and you were looking for wedding at Madrid, a simple dress in natural silk with wide neck dress. Among the guests expected at the companions of Ana in the boarding school: Blanca Suarez, Martin Rivas, Elena Furiase. Source of the news: Ana de Armas y Marc Clotet have married in a very intimate ceremony

Holy Spirit

Doubt is a wonderful item Mr Anton Szandor LVey, but also dangerous, let’s take that into doubt young people each of them waive their own identity as being unique and rational in the image and likeness of God. We must remember that the Church is the victim of that doubt and not being able to bring young people to the truth of Christ; Finally accept each of these models within the Church which teaches us that the conversion is more than the Church toward the world, and not that of the world towards the Church of Jesus Christ. John Jairo Melo Naranjo – 2010 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo the spirit clearly says that in later times some apostataran of faith, listening to deceivers spirits and doctrines of demons (1Ti: 4: 1)! The Satanist knows that praying won’t help much made .de, decreases the chances of success, since that usually do devout people do is sit pleased – mind and pray for a situation which, if they do something, would solve it much faster! (Satanic Bible) this unfortunately is this meeting in the following way: in the 21st century teachings of the great preachers have become successful theories, abandoning scripture to give importance to models from the business world. Theories of entrepreneurship, leadership, gain, consolidation, discipulacion and sent people who sell the image of a Christian marketing, where never suffers and wealth is your best friend. You promise to change: security of salvation, inner healing, liberation, fullness of the Holy Spirit, teaching of human vision rather than the divine. These new teachings are sought in the market by the current leaders, since the latter are chiefs and Lords of his disciples, which must certainly have great fear and little autonomy.

nothing more contrary to Scripture. This is Satanism the church because the son of man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all. (Mark 10: 45-) Ye are my friends, if ye do what I command. I already not call servants, because the servant does not know what his Lord; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my father, I have given them to you to know.