Holy Spirit

Doubt is a wonderful item Mr Anton Szandor LVey, but also dangerous, let’s take that into doubt young people each of them waive their own identity as being unique and rational in the image and likeness of God. We must remember that the Church is the victim of that doubt and not being able to bring young people to the truth of Christ; Finally accept each of these models within the Church which teaches us that the conversion is more than the Church toward the world, and not that of the world towards the Church of Jesus Christ. John Jairo Melo Naranjo – 2010 Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo the spirit clearly says that in later times some apostataran of faith, listening to deceivers spirits and doctrines of demons (1Ti: 4: 1)! The Satanist knows that praying won’t help much made .de, decreases the chances of success, since that usually do devout people do is sit pleased – mind and pray for a situation which, if they do something, would solve it much faster! (Satanic Bible) this unfortunately is this meeting in the following way: in the 21st century teachings of the great preachers have become successful theories, abandoning scripture to give importance to models from the business world. Theories of entrepreneurship, leadership, gain, consolidation, discipulacion and sent people who sell the image of a Christian marketing, where never suffers and wealth is your best friend. You promise to change: security of salvation, inner healing, liberation, fullness of the Holy Spirit, teaching of human vision rather than the divine. These new teachings are sought in the market by the current leaders, since the latter are chiefs and Lords of his disciples, which must certainly have great fear and little autonomy.

nothing more contrary to Scripture. This is Satanism the church because the son of man came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all. (Mark 10: 45-) Ye are my friends, if ye do what I command. I already not call servants, because the servant does not know what his Lord; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from my father, I have given them to you to know.